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Re: Rainbow Dace?

On Wed, 09 Jul 1997 14:46:39 GMT klaus.schoening at jungle_org (Segeberger)
> Its a fairly common fish in pet shops and in the midwest.  It is one 
>the few minnows from here that is commercially farmed.   It's 
>name is something like Notropis lutrensis, though I have seen it
>described under a different genus name before.  In color it is pretty,
>so much so that I have seen it called "fire barb" in pet shops as 
>as the late 60's.  Yours must have been washed out though being well
>past breeding season.
>It's in Petersons guide, though it may have a different genus than
>Notropis, but lutrensis is accurate ...happy hunting!
