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gsneegas at juno_com (Garold W. Sneegas):

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From: gsneegas at juno_com (Garold W. Sneegas)
To: nanfa at aquaria_net
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 1997 14:02:42 EDT
Message-ID: <19970618.130401.7103.0.GSneegas at juno_com>

I am in the process of constructing an aquarium which will somewhat model
a stream environment. I am wanting to construct a backdrop of a cut
stream bank and am wanting to use an aluminum expanded lath to support
small gravel. 

Does anyone of know if any potential problems with submerging aluminum in
an aquarium? I,ve noticed a lot of fish hanging around empty beer cans in
some of the streams I've been in.

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