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[APD] RE: Ca???

> I have GH of 3.5, big drift wood and many snails.
> Some things that have helped me:
> Adding more Ca *or* doing biweekly large
> wc:s and stopped MgSO4 altogether.
> 50-75% wcs every week didn't help without
> adding Ca.

> Plants that shows Ca-deficiencies in my
> tank are Althernantera, Ludwigia glandulosa,
> Hygrophila polysperma "rosanervig"/"sunset",
> Nesaea sp red. Even Ludwigia incliniata var
> verticillata "Cuba" got funny looking "hooking"
> leaves sometimes, as did Ludwigia arcuata.
> // Daniel.

Your best plant for determination of Ca related effects: Hygrophila, this
plant grows very fast and is responsive to NO3.
Try adding KNO3 every other day, say 1/4 teaspoon per 80 liters and see how
these same plants respond after a week or better yet two.
Then try the Ca and go back to the orginal KNO3 dosing. Next try both
together. Then you can also try adding a bit more PO4 the same time you
dose the KNO3.
I've been adding more KNO3/PO and dosing the traces on the off day for a
daily every other day routine. Seems to work very well. 
I'll add KNO3/SeaChem EQ/KH2PO4 after the water change and then the traces
the next day.
This is fairly excessive in dosing, my tanks are very high light but if you
have less light, you can add less, but this frequency routine seems to be
one of the best I've done in a long time. 

Some plants that folks complain as being difficult are growing out my ears.
Blyxa japonica, Eustralis, Red cabomba, Elatine and Tonia etc especially
have done well.

I think what many people are seeing as Ca issues or K+ issues stems from a
LACK of NO3 and/or CO2 perhaps.
SeaChem's Equilibrium should work well if you add about 1/4 teaspoon after
a water change or weekly per 80 liters of tank even with a low GH.
CaCl2 also. 

Tom Barr

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