
Handling Excess DIY CO2

It occurs to me that blowout of a DIY CO2 system due to clogging of an 
airstone or other such device could be prevented by connecting a second piece 
of airline in parallel with the device.  The second airline would run deeper 
into the tank than the airstone.

             airline from CO2    |
                       tee       +------------
                                 |           |
                                 |           |
                                ---          |
               airstone or      | |          |  second airline
                 reactor        | |          |
                                ---          |
                                             |  end of airline (unterminated)

                                   ------------------ tank bottom              

If the airstone clogged, CO2 pressure would build only enough to force CO2 
out the end of the second airline, when it would be released into the tank 
water....not efficient in terms of getting CO2 into the tank, but it would 
prevent a nasty mess.

The inefficiency of this method can be exploited in auto-regulation of DIY 
CO2 systems....a shutoff valve could be placed to block flow to the CO2 
reactor.  Excess CO2 would then be vented out the second airline as 
before...the inefficiency of the "airline reactor" should result in a drop in 
tank CO2 levels....

Note that I haven't yet tried this....but it seems an easy and cheap way to 
solve one of the DIY CO2 nasties.