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Re: NFC: Peltier Junction Cooling

-----Original Message-----
From: Moontanman at aol_com <Moontanman at aol_com>
To: nfc at actwin_com <nfc at actwin_com>
Date: Monday, January 11, 1999 4:06 AM
Subject: Re: NFC: Peltier Junction Cooling

>1 J = 1w's? So far all we have been doing is chasing our tails. How many
>would it take to lower one gallon of water 10 k below ambient temp? And
>it there, figure a glass jug (should be close enough). this is really out
>my area of any expertise, can anyone else figure this?

As I said before, we need to know the actual heat transfer capacity of the
Peltier junction.  We were given a temperature difference, but that's
probably relative to air on either side of the junction.  If you add rapidly
moving water to one or both sides of the junction and keep the power input
constant, that temperature difference is going to decrease.  Just how
quickly it will decrease depends on how much heat the PJ can actually move.

[\   Andrew Dalton
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