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Dave Littlehale <littled at cris_com>: NANFA-- Three items - ironcolor shiner, plants, pirate perch

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From: Dave Littlehale <littled at cris_com>
To: nanfa at aquaria_net
Subject: NANFA-- Three items - ironcolor shiner, plants, pirate perch
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 22:50:35 -0400
Message-ID: <34272E7B.3A6D at cris_com>

First, does anyone have any experience with the ironcolor shiner,
Notropis chalybaeus?  I am looking for general care and has anyone
attempted to spawn these?  I checked the NANFA web site and so far no
one has successfully spawned them.  Anyone willing to share their
knowledge.  I'd appreciate it.

Second, anyone keeping native freshwater plants from their fish
collecting adventures?  I would like to share info on what species, etc.

Third, a couple of months ago I asked about care for the pirate perch,
Aphredoderus sayanus.  I got pretty much the same consensus, live fish
and lots of it.  Well, the summer proved to be pretty successful in
keeping the perch.  I have gotten them eating frozen krill and even a
gel food on a regular basis.  Not real aggressive eaters, but the food
is getting eaten.  I started them with the live fish to get them eating
in the tank.  I pulled back on the live food and started adding a few of
the krill.  I would drop the food so it would land close to or on top of
the perch.  They would grab it as it floats by its mouth.  Rarely do
they ever pursue the food; it almost always has to land in the fishes
mouth to get it to eat. :) But, they are eating.


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