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archimedes at localink4_com: NANFA-- Collecting laws

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From: archimedes at localink4_com
To: nanfa at aquaria_net
Subject: NANFA-- Collecting laws
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 22:30:34 +0000
Message-ID: <199709231547.KAA19759 at master_localink4.com>

I want to thank everyone who has responded so far to my request for 
information about collecting laws.  There seems to be a large degree 
of consistency from state to state, but I have one BIG question:  How 
does the law treat guys like us who want to keep and study the 
specimens we catch?  Amazingly enough, in some states you can seine 
almost anything you want as long as you intend to use it as bait, but 
if you actually want to keep it in an aquarium, it's " Katy Bar th' 
Damn Door!"  Especially if it's a gamefish.  MOST especially if it's 
a (hatchery raised) salmonid. 

Any further info, debate, or moral dilemas?


NA Native Fishes Resource Site:  http://www.localink4.com/~archimedes/

"Fie on thee, fellow!  Whence come these fishes?" - Scheherazade

"Any fish with good teeth is liable to use them." - Wm. T. Innes
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