
exchange group

Item Subject: Text_1
     From: Kenneth J McNeil <mcnei002 at maroon_tc.umn.edu> Date: Thu, 9 Nov 
     1995 23:54:38 -0600 (CST)
     Subject: Re: Plant Trader Exchange?
     The killiefish group recently started posting eggs and fish for sale 
     or trade, but limited posting to Friday only. Perhaps we could do 
     something similar here, with Shaji's OK of course. 
     "The George" and I exchanged some plants recently, the greatest 
     potential problem was that the plants were going to be damaged due to 
     cold during shipping (we used Priority Mail). My daughters found the 
     box of plants from George sitting outside the house, in Minnesota. The 
     temperature was well below freezing, but the plants (Anubias, 
     Shinneresia, Alternanthera, Samolus) were all fine. For another order 
     I would probably have the plants shipped to my work or to a place 
     where I was sure someone would be able to take delivery. 
     I find this groups to be an extremely valuable source of information. 
     But I'm always trying to find new plant species to add to my aquaria. 
     Having an exchange program of some sort would, at least for me, be an  
     additional value of this group.
     Couldn't agree more. Why limit it only to Friday? Shouldn't be that 
     much volume.