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Re: [APD] CO2 regulator to CO2 tank connection washer


Sometimes my 9 Kg (local pub standard size) tank lasts only 3-6 months,
otherwise it has lasted 2-3 years. I have even used 2 washers at a time.
Everytime I check the installation joints with soapy water applied with
a small brush to check for leaks.

Here you get hard rubber, red fibre, PVC and even Teflon washers. Take a
sample to the hardware store and see what you can get.


>I recently installed a refilled CO2 tank with a new washer. It had a slow
>leak at the regulator/tank connection that was stopped by -really-
>tightening the nut. The other day the CO2 ran empty way before its time.
>Knowing how tight I had it, I was surprised when the fitting came loose
>easily. The only way that could happen was if the new washer compressed and
>made some space to loosen the connection. Are there different types/grades
>of washers to correct this?

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