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Re: Least Killifish

-----Original Message-----
From: Kudzu <Kudzu at airnet_net>
To: Native Fish Counsel <nfc at actwin_com>
Date: Tuesday, July 07, 1998 11:39 PM
Subject: Least Killifish

>Heterandria formosa, Least Killifish
>I saw these listed on the auction site. I have seen them in Peterson's
>and thought they were an attractive fish. So can someone tell me
>something about them? Good community fish? Food preferences? etc.?

Despite the name, these tiny fish are livebearers from the southeastern U.S.
They have been kept by aquarists for many years, and the old faithful "Innes
Book" even has a section on them. They are attractive, but us old guys
almost need a magnifying glass to see the males which top out at less than
1". The females are bigger but are still less than 1.5". They like to hang
out in dense vegetation (wouldn't you want to hide if you were that small?),
and Innes thinks they are best kept by themselves (probably because of their

Judging from some of the postings on this list, other members are currently
keeping this species and could provide you with more detailed info.

Ed Matheson