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"Jay DeLong" <jdelong at nwifc_wa.gov>: NANFA-- raffle stubs

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From: "Jay DeLong" <jdelong at nwifc_wa.gov>
To: nanfa at aquaria_net
Subject: NANFA-- raffle stubs
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 1997 17:10:25 +0000
Message-ID: <199707080014.RAA19216 at chinook_nwifc.wa.gov>

In response to this note from Michael Thennet:
> I have also noticed that the raffle tickets provided do not have 
> corresponding numbers on the ticket only on the stub.  Is this a
mistake or 
> should I just write the corresponding number on the stub.  Do we return
> the  stubs to Mr. Jay DeLong?   Please advise.  Thank you.

I'll absolutely need the stubs and soon.  Write your number on your
ticket half for your peace of mind.  You are right in your 
observation.  The tickets should have had the numbers on both 
portions, and I thought of this when I received the tickets months 

Send any tickets, money or other correspondence to my new address: 
Jay DeLong
P.O. Box 8902
Lacey, WA  98509-8902

Next year duplicate numbering of tickets and stubs should be insisted 
upon.  This whole raffle is based on trust and I ask that you trust 
us this year to do the right thing. The NANFA BOD has trusted us to 
collect the money, and also to choose the winners honestly.  

There is the potential for dishonesty here, so let me take a second 
to address that.  I've kept records of every dollar sent to me.  I 
sent these records to Warren Lund, because I thought it was something 
he should have as NANFA Treasurer.  I will  be happy to mail them to 
anyone who requests them.  I know Michael wasn't implying that we 
were doing anything shady, but the potential is there, so let's 
make a few changes next year to avoid the possibility.

We Northwest members are proud to coordinate the 1997 meeting for 
you.  It isn't too late to register.  We'll do anything we can 
to make your stay pleasureable and safe.  Come visit us in Portland, 
OR.  Like the tourism ads say, "Things look different out here."

Jay DeLong

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