
RE: Soil/substrate (fwd)

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Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 09:38:00 -0500
From: "Williams, Rochelle - DCSPIM" <williaro at ftmcphsn-emh1_army.mil>
To: "Aquatic-Plants-Owner at ActWin_com" <Aquatic-Plants-Owner at ActWin_com>
Subject: RE: Soil/substrate

Rodney Dorville asked if the Civil engineers' statements about geological 
survey maps and soils was true.  The short answer is "Yes!"  The long 
answer is more involved.  There are LOTS of people who use soil type, kinds 
of exposed rocks and geological features to get an idea what is underneath 
in the ground (diamonds, natural gas, coal, etc.).  This is one reason why 
remote sensing technology is so popular.   aerial photography and satellite 
images are good examples.   (I enjoy this topic so if you want more info, 
e:mail privately.)   Within the United States, a federal agency, US 
Geological Survey, has the responsibility to acquire, maintain and provide 
geological info at minimal cost.  If you have geographic information system 
(GIS) software you can download map data for free over the internet or 
through FTP.  And that's why those people said to look at a geological 
survey map (soil type specific) to find out where local laterite can be 
found.  (I told you it was a long answer!  :-)

Rochelle Williams
In Atlanta, where Spring has sprung and stuff is blooming!