
SAE AFM article

> >SAE make sure you don't end up with a pretender.  See the article by
> >our own Neil Frank and Liisa S. in the latest AFM to get the real
> >lowdown on the difference.
>I would guess
>that AFM stands for Aquarium Fish Magazine, but I haven't seen the latest
>issue. Besides, why pay for it if it is on-line for free?

I think this issue is worth the price of admission for the photographs of
the algae-eating cyprinids alone. In addition there's a distinguishing
features chart and some of Liisa's excellent drawings. Congratulations!
Liisa and Neil.

John Cochran
Britsh Columbia Flyfishing Resources  http://vvv.com/flyfish
Photography & Digital Imaging
Victoria, B.C. Tel:(604) 544-1259
jcochran at pinc_com