
Growing Anubias emersed

It seems like I heard somewhere that Anubias species will grow much 
quicker if grown emersed.  I have several specimens that aren't doing 
much right now, and might give this a try.  I was thinking about putting 
them in a spare 10 gallon tank about half filled, and leaving out on my 
porch.  The porch gets about 6 hours of direct sun.  Of course it is also 
about 95-100 every day here in Central Texas.

Has anyone tried this?  Any idea what kind of substrate to use (ie, the 
same as a normal tank, or would you want a "richer" substate?).  Any 
comments/suggestions are welcome.

I would think that the evaporation would make the interior of the tank 
quite humid, which would be ok for the plants.  Thanks,


Peter Konshak
pkonshak at fiat_gslis.utexas.edu