
Re: Convection currents in liquids in a uniformly accelerating Einsteinian frame of reference

On Friday, 9 June 1995, Stephen Pushak wrote:

> Angels? Pins? What have I been missing??! :-)

Some really good stuff!  This thread (substrate circulation) is
starting to get very interesting.

> Actually, due to troubles with
> one of our gateways, I missed several issues of the list. Thanks to a friend,
> I got issues 111 thru 113 (113 came) but missed 109 & 110. Perhaps they are
> still out there floating on the ether. :-) If someone has archives, let me 
> know and then you could forward them. (Please not EVERYONE!)

If you don't already have these issues, e-mail me and I'll send them to you.

> Ok, let me throw in a couple of angels worth of gedanken experiment. (BTW
> I'm also a Canadian but currently in LA logged remotely to my Canadian
> computer, so I'm not sure WHICH side of the fence I'm on ;-)

...And I'm not really Canadian.  I've just lived here so long I've been
assimilated (resistance was futile).

> However, you could put a kind of UG filter plate under the gravel (to equaliz
> e
> the pressure on the top and bottom) and measure the flow rate through a tube
> to fairly accurately measure substrate flows produced by heating coils in the
> gravel. (assuming laminar flow through the tube, we CAN predict the volume fl
> ow
> pretty accurately using fist year fluid mechanics). 
> You could do a similar experiment using a tube and measuring the rate of wate
> r 
> level drop in the tube vs. the height of water in the tube to measure the 
> permeability of that particular substrate.
> You could even take fluid and substrate samples for a range of substrates, pH
> ,
> temperature, nutrients and plant species and actually correlate things like
> plant growth, H2S concentration and other wonderful things.

This is what all the hot air (huff, puff) is hopefully leading to -
devising clever experiments to find out (a) what's actually happening
in the substrate of a successful plant tank, and (b) how to reproduce the
important effects using equipment that even a Canadian engineer can afford.
Kevin Conlin   kcconlin at cae_ca   "We're Canadians.  We HAVE to be polite"