
Re:Bleach treatment and Newsgroup

> From: Hardjono.Harjadi at Eng_Sun.COM (Hardjono Harjadi)
> Date: Tue, 9 May 1995 15:11:23 -0700
> Subject: Re: Quarantine for plants
> From: Peter Konshak <pkonshak at fiat_gslis.utexas.edu>
> Date: Tue, 9 May 1995 12:45:40 -0500 (CDT)
> Subject: Quarantine for plants
> Well, not exactly.  Is there some sort of bath that I can give new plants 
> before I put them in my tank, to make sure that I'm not introducing algal 
> spores, nasties, etc?  Thanks,
>         I used the methods suggested in the FAQ:
>         Algae:
>         - 2 minute bath in  1 part bleach in 19 parts water. Rinse it VERY
>           WELL ! Then soak it overnight in water with lots of dechlorinator.

*** overnight soak is not necessary.  An immediate rinse in clean water 
is necessary however.

> ------------------------------
> From: "shaji (s.) bhaskar" <bhaskar at bnr_ca>
> Subject: Newsgroup 

> One possible option is to retain the mailing list while going ahead
> with a newsgroup. However, I've heard that if this happens, the
> experts tend to stay on the mailing list while everyone else migrates
> to the newsgroup.

This is a good reason to have both.  I enjoy the new APD, and may even 
read and contribute to the newsgroup. :-)
