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[APD] RE: Ca/K+

> From: "Xisco" <xisco__ at hotmail_com>
> Subject: Re: [APD] Notes on the notion of high K+ causing Ca++
> To: <aquatic-plants at actwin_com>
> I believe  it is a clear relation with high K and some symptoms what
> like" Ca deficiency (or Boron). If the explanation is salt estress ¿why it
> improves "adding" mor salts (Ca ions)?. I do not know if "that" is
> by interference with Ca, B or whatever else but "it is"
> I suffered this with Vallisnerias, Echinodorum, Rotala etc
> Best Regards
> Antonio Trías

I've had sbveral species of Vals and many species of Echinordus at very
hiogh K+ levels and moderate/low Ca levels.

This effect of high K and low Ca is plant specific at the _worst_.
It6 might be something else that you are doing but it's NOT from Ca and K+
ratios unless you simply don't have enough Ca.

Few folks measure Ca++ by itself.
Few measure K+ for that matter either but folks want to talk a lot about it
and make claims.

I've measured both of these. I simply do not see this occur with most
Nor did folks when K+ was being dosed for a number years.

If many folks are able to grow plants without deficicencies or twisted
leaves, why can I?

Magic water again?

I'm not saying what it is,but I know what it IS NOT.

This was the same thing people claimed with PO4 causing algae. I've plenty
of PO4, why no algae if excess PO4 causes algae? 
I have high confidence in this because I know what I've done in the past
and know I had higher K+ values than I do today and have lower Ca these
days also.

I've grown all 3 plant species in question quite well without using low K+.

Tom Barr

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