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Re: Hottonia

> Is one preferable to the other?

The H palustris is "in the trade". Semi common now after a Japan trip by a
SFBAAPS member, Andrew Hertz.
Some folks on the East coast now have it. I use it and like it.

> Isn't palustris a
> cool water plant?

It's doing quite well in my tank.

> A picture of inflata is here:
> http://homepage2.nifty.com/BABBOO/aquacollelist.html

H. inflata is a native plant, common name is water violet. I've tried to get
seeds from some places but to no avail.
You might try meadowview at pitcherplant_org for Aldrovanda and they might know
of where to get it. It's an east coast native plant. Other wise I'd have it.
Both are interesting plants. Why doesn't someone back there go a looking?
It's in TN, GA etc. Now's not the best time to look but later in the spring
summertime it should be.

> Also, is there a photo of palustris available so that
> I may compare?  

See most books. Check the web there's pic's of both.
Tom Barr 
> Thanks, Cavan