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RE: monocots -vs- dicots

This had me curious. My initial reaction was to think that most are dicots
too, so I decided to make a list (following the list on the Tropica

Alternanthera (Amaranthaceae)- dicot
Anubias (Araceae)- monocot
Aponogeton (Aponogetaceae)- dicot?
Azolla (Azollaceae)- sporophyte
Bacopa (Scrophulariaceae)- dicot
Barclaya (Nymphaceae)- dicot
Blyxa (Hydrocharitaceae)- monocot
Bolbitis (Lomariosidaceae)- sporophyte
Cabomba (Cabombaceae)- dicot?
Cardamine (Brassicaceae)- dicot
Ceratophylum (Ceratophyllaceae)- sporophyte
Crinum (Amaryllidaceae)- monocot
Cryptocoryne (Araceae)- monocot
Cyperus (Cyperaceae)- monocot
Didiplis (Lythraceae)- dicot
Echinodorus (Alismataceae)- monocot
Egeria (Hydrocharitaceae)- monocot
Eichornia (Pontedariaceae)- monocot
Eleocharis (Cyperaceae)- monocot
Eusteralis (Lamiaceae)- dicot
Glossostigma (Scrophulariaceae)- dicot
Gymnocoronis (Asteraceae)- dicot
Hemianthus (Scrophulariaceae)- dicot
Heteranthera (Pontedariaceae)- monocot
Hottonia (Primulaceae)- dicot
Hydrocotyle (Apiaceae)- dicot?
Hydrotriche (Scrophulariaceae)- dicot
Hygrophyla (Acanthaceae)- dicot
Hygroryza (Poaceae)- monocot
Lemna (Lemnaceae)- sporophyte
Lilaeopsis (Apiaceae)- dicot?
Limnobium (Hydrocharitaceae)- monocot
Limnophila (Scrophulariaceae)- dicot
Lobelia (Lobeliaceae)- dicot
Ludwigia (Onagraceae)- dicot
Lysimachia (Primulaceae)- dicot
Micranthemum (Scrophulariaceae)- dicot
Microsorum (Polypodiaceae)- sprophyte
Myriophylum (Haloragaceae)- dicot
Nesaea (Lythraceae)- dicot
Nuphar (Nymphaeaceae)- dicot
Nymphaea (Nymphaeacaea)- dicot
Phyllanthus (Euphorbiaceae)- dicot
Pistia (Araceae)- monocot
Polygonum (Polygonaceae)- dicot
Ranunculus (Ranunculaceae)- dicot
Riccia (Ricciaceae)- liverwort
Rotala (Lythraceae)- dicot
Sagittaria (Alismataceae)- monocot
Samolus (Primulaceae)- dicot
Saururus (Saururaceae)- dicot
Shinersia (Asteraceae)- dicot
Vallisneria (Hydrocharitaceae)- monocot
Vesicularia (Hypnaceae)- sporophyte

So we have in the above 6 sporophyte (ferns and mosses, plus one liverwort),
15 monocots and 32 dicots (though a few like Aponogeton and Cabomba don't
appear in the flora I used to check whether the family was a mono- or
dicot.) Whats more, the largest number of genera comes from a dicot family;
Scrophulariaceae. Of course, all of this is rather academic, since it
doesn't really tell us how they grow. What sort of surprised me was the
large number of sporophytic plants, especially since the list doesn't
include several things like other mosses and Salvinia.

Brett Johnson
Green Man Gardens
bnbjohns at home_com

> << > Aside from the mangroves that pop up every so often on the
> threads, I
> can't
>  > think of any live aquatic dicots used in aquaria
>  Am I'm wrong?  I thought the majority of the angiosperms we keep are
>  dicots.
>  Roger Miller
>   >>
> If so, that makes two of us... most all are dicotyledons.
> Bob Fenner