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Re: Mysticism and aquariums

I think the mysticism of the East pertains to their belief in the intangible, 
immeasurable, such as Chi. Take for instance, Feng Shui (Chinese in origin, I 
believe). This is (an art?) that is well accepted in that corner of the 
world. Even businessmen will invest in hiring a Feng Shui expert when setting 
up offices and so forth. There are certain rules for the placement and 
arrangement of walls/doors/windows/furnishings and various other things. This 
leads to harmony, prosperity and good health, or improperly arranged, 
financial ruin and mayhem. This is not so widely believed in here, nor are 
some of their health practices which manipulate energy, or Chi.

Now, it is said in the practice of Feng Shui that keeping fish in an aquarium 
brings prosperity. 

However, I was dismayed the other day to learn that one must keep 9 (nine) 
fish. No more, no less.


<< <<I've not lived in Japan, but from what I have read of Japanese history,
religion and arts (mostly martial arts, in my case) it seems that their
culture is permeated with mysticism.  It's very easy for me to envision
products selling successfully on their market that are advertised to work
through no mechanism other than magic.

That same tactic would appeal to a rather small segment of the North
 American market.>>
 Probably among us skeptics. But for many products (perfumes,
 clothes/fashion, alternative medicines and astrology-related enterprises
 come to mind) I don't see a huge difference among mysticism, magic, allure,
 quick routes to the unattainable, status symbols, etc. In fact, absent that
 component, many of these products deflate in substance rather easily
 (last-year's fashion, a debunked pyramid-power talisman, a me-too
 fertilizer at triple the price). On the other hand for any "magic" that
 really works (even in Tankword) -- due to something the manufacturer
 has/knows but we can't duplicate -- you'll probably find me in line too, as
 long as I'm convinced the product isn't harmful. But not Green Brighty --
 unless, of course they change the name to something like, oh I don't
 know...The Serene Green Machine?