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NFC: Breeding Pygmy Sunfish

Elassoma evergladei
Hard To Find But Easy To Maintain and Spawn

By Peter R. Rollo
Delaware County Aquarium Society

Not long ago, a friend and fellow North American Native Fishes
Association (NANFA) member Robert Rice sent me a few Elassoma evergladei 
at my request.  I was always interested in these little fish and thought
I would give them a try.  The fish I received were just approaching
maturity and would be ready to spawn soon.  The breeding group
consisted of eight females and three males.  This ratio is
approximate, since some of the fish were immature and could not be
accurately sexed.

From my research I found that typically these fish prefer soft,
acid water, however, they are extremely adaptable and I know some
who have kept and bred them in harder, more alkaline water.  The
wild fish are typically found in shallow road side ditches and
small mud puddles with water quality, in some cases, not much
better than sewage.  If they were not able to adapt to high
temperatures and poor water quality these fish would no longer

Since I already had Blackbanded Sunfish and was set up for soft,
acid water, I decided to house them in a similar manner.  The water
has a hardness of near zero and a pH of approximately 6.0.  To aid
in breeding I also add Blackwater Extract and filter the water
through peat.  A more detailed discussion of how I make this water
can be found in my article on Blackbanded and Bluespotted Sunfish
appearing in the October, 1995 issue of Tropical Fish Hobbyist. 
These fish prefer still water with heavy plant growth and do not
require alot of room.  To accomplish some of these criteria, I
utilized a one gallon size fish bowl connected to a larger tank by
a siphon filter unit (see figures 1 & 2).  Keeping them in filtered
water is best, but when I was pressed to find more space for these
fish I found that they do very well in one gallon jars filled with
fine leaved plants and no aeration or filtration.  With
requirements like this they are ideal for virtually everyone, even
beginners.  However, you must perform 25% to 50% water changes
every week paying special attention to removing as much bottom
debris as possible.  Siphon the water into white or clear
containers.  Young fish like to hide in the bottom debris and you
will no doubt find small fish in your container if the adults are
spawning.  White or clear containers make it easier to find the
small fish.  Use an eye dropper or pipette to remove the young
fish.  Carefully feed the fish only what they will eat.  In a small
container without aeration and filtration over feeding could cause
an ammonia spike and easily kill all the fish.

The siphon filter has been around for some time.  The only real
difficulty with the siphon filter is that the water levels in the
main tank and the bowl must be the same.  The bowl needs a platform
to raise its water level to match the water level in the main tank. 
As shown in the figures the siphon unit is air driven.  The greater
the volume of air the greater the water flow.  I found that by
attaching a small "Pre-filter" sponge to the intake side of the
siphon unit, I created a small sponge filter that would supplement
the main tank filtration and effectively prevent young fish from
being sucked into the unit.  To complete the siphon filter another
siphon tube is required.  This tube will discharge water back into
the bowl.  By placing another sponge filter on the main tank side
of the second siphon tube you can eliminate waste and debris
entering the bowl from the main tank.  By altering the air flow a
mild current is created that will not disturb the fish.

The plants in the bowl and jars I use are filled with Java Moss. 
No special lighting is used, ambient natural light is all that is
used.  The java moss does not seem to mind as it stays green and
continues to grow under these conditions.  The eleven fish were
placed in the bowl in April, 1995.  One month later the first fry
were spotted.  Due to the dense plant growth, courtship displays
were not observed.  Eggs are randomly deposited in the plant mass
with no further care given.  Mature males in breeding condition
turn almost black with blue iridescent spots along the sides of
their bodies and on the fins.  Females remain a pale yellowish-
brown.  A positive effect of the sponge filter and java moss is
that they encourage the growth of infusoria.  The fry are so tiny
that they are unable to accept newly hatched brine shrimp when they
become free swimming.  They feed on the infusoria as their first

Green water is the ideal first food but microworms are good
substitute (contact the author at the address at the end of this
article for copies of microworm culturing methods).  To ensure that
the young get enough food I regularly add "green water" to the
bowl.  The wigglers are so small and transparent that they are
invisible.  They become easier to see when the eye spots become
apparent.  Undoubtedly the adult fish will eat the fry if given the
opportunity, however,  as evidenced by the number of small fish I
was able to collect, they do not eat many.  I figured that the
ample feedings of live foods kept the number of fry eaten to a

As the number of visible fry increase they tend to congregate at
the surface and on the bottom.  Using a long glass pipette with a
squeeze bulb I siphon the fry from the bottom and top and place
them in a white dish.  A small quantity of newly hatched brine
shrimp are placed in the dish with the fish and they are left
undisturbed for about a half hour.  The fry with pink bellies have
obviously eaten the shrimp and are removed and placed in a small
grow-out jar or tank.  These fry are fed mainly baby brine shrimp
supplemented with baby mosquito larva and very small daphnia when
in season until they are large enough to accept larger foods. The
remaining fry are carefully returned to another grow-out jar
containing a large portion of green water.  Keeping fish of
approximately the same age together minimizes over feeding.  Only
small feedings of one food type are required as compared to
multiple feedings of more than one food type to accommodate the
various age levels and feeding capabilities of the fish.  

On a diet of baby brine shrimp and other live foods when available
the fry grow fast. They are young adults in about three months and
will start spawning at about six months.  Spawning is continuous
until the temperature in the bowl reaches about 85 F.  At this
point spawning continues but at a slower rate.  Seventy-five to
eighty  F seems to be optimal.  Since these fish are from Florida
I am sure they experience much higher temperatures from time to

The diet of the adult fish consists of live mosquito larva,
blackworms, white worms, baby brine shrimp and daphnia.  Since they
can be obtained year round, baby brine shrimp are the staple food.
The other foods are used when available.  Mosquito larva and
daphnia can easily be cultured in outdoor tubs during the summer in
the North East U.S..  Small white worm cultures do very well in a
warmer area of the refrigerator.  Unfortunately, only live foods
are accepted by these fish.  The adults are fed twice a day.  Once
in the morning and once in the evening.  When fry are noticed, it
is safe to assume that there are more than you can see and they are
in various stages of development.  In other words, there will
always be some baby fish requiring green water.  At the same time
the adults are fed, I add one pipette full of green water.  As long
as the adults are spawning, always add green water twice a day.  

Green water can easily be made.  Fill two one gallon jars with good
quality aquarium water and add about six to twelve pond snails to
each jar.  Place the jars in a warm window that receives natural
light but not direct sunlight.  Place a small piece of boiled
lettuce in the water.  The snails will consume the lettuce and the
waste from the snails provides food for the infusoria.  During the
feeding cycles the snails will freely reproduce.  If there are too
many remove the excess snails.  The snails are the key to making
green water.  I tried to make green water without them and was not
successful.  As soon as the water begins to turn green (one to two
weeks), stop feeding.  At this point the pale green water is ready
for use and should have no odor.  Draw green water from one jar at
a time, replace with good quality aquarium water and feed sparingly
once a week.  Do not feed the other jar during this time.  Every
week or two switch jars.  I have kept two cultures going for over
a year using this method and have had no problems.  Over feeding
will cause the water to become too rich, leading to a massive die
off of microorganisms.  The water will turn yellow, have a foul
odor and need to be discarded.  Should any jar develop an odor,
even if it is green, discard the water and make a fresh batch.  It
is a good idea to have several jars going so that if a culture or
two goes bad, you will still have good cultures available. 

If all conditions seem optimal, but spawning activity decreases, I
have found that removing the plants and fish, cleaning the bowl 
and returning everything back to the bowl will stimulate renewed
interest in spawning.  You will also be surprised at the number of
baby, half grown and new adult fish you will find once the plants
are removed.  All young fish except those not eating brine shrimp
are removed from the bowl and placed in the grow out tank.  The
first time I did this, I found six more adult fish than I started
with, six more half grown and about two dozen baby fish.  I figured
that the population density became so great that it inhibited
spawning.  Regardless if it needs it or not, I clean the bowl every
three to six months.  It will give a good indication of the health
of the fish as well as spawning activity.  If after a year spawning
stops or is minimal, it may be time to put the old fish out to
pasture and replace the spawning group with younger, more vigorous
individuals.  These fish generally live for only a year or two in
their natural state, so regular replacement of older fish with
younger fish will maintain spawning activity at a high level.

The Delaware County Aquarium Society (DCAS) serves the greater
Philadelphia area.  Membership consists of various backgrounds and
interests including Marine, Tropical and North American Native
fish.  We have a monthly publication, meetings, speakers, raffles,
auctions and more.  Annual dues are $15.00 for family, $10.00 for
single junior and $12.00 for single senior.  All are welcome.

I also recommend you join the Native Fish Conservancy an non profit
aquarist friendly conservation organization. Email  nfc at actwin_com, dues
just 10 bucks to 1663 Iowa Avenue East, St. Paul Minnesota 55106 or their
website http://nativefish.org/

To join or for additional information on NANFA or the NFC and/or DCAS 
Please write to Peter Rollo, 2308 Cedar Lane, Secane, PA  19018.

Robert Rice
Help Preserve our Aquatic Heritage join the Native Fish Conservancy
 at our website  www.nativefish.org