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NFC: update on blackworms

A few weeks ago, I transferred all of my blackworms from the wastebasket to
an 18-qt. round plastic tub.  This time I didn't use any substrate, and I
used a Dirt Magnet Junior sponge filter in place of the Tetra Brillant.
(The Brillant would be way too tall, anyway.)

The worms are doing fine without the gravel, but they do have a tendency to
excrete excess slime if you don't give them enough banana peels to crawl
around in.  This makes them difficult to separate when you feed them to your
fish.  Also, you should pile the banana peels away from the sponge filter,
so that the sponge doesn't get clogged with detritus too quickly.

I'm wondering if the worms would breed faster if the water temperature were
higher.  Although conventional wisdom says that blackworms should be kept
cool, higher temperatures in a filtered and aerated container might not be a
problem.  Has anyone tried this?

[\   Andrew Dalton
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