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Press Release

        Press Release : Native Fish Conservancy (NFC)
                       August 6th 1998
The  State of Arkansas Fisheries department today  issued  a
scientific collecting permit and shipping permit to the NFC.
With  these  permits the NFC will embark upon  life  history
studies  and  domestic propagation studies of  the  Bluehead
Shiner (Pteronotropis hubbsi ) .  The Bluehead Shiner is endemic to a
small range  in the  Upper south and midwest and it's life history is
poorly known. The  NFC will  share  its results via its WEBSITE and
publication  to all  interested  parties. This is the  first 
Organizational scientific  permit  given to the NFC and  is  a  major 
step forward  in their efforts to produce life histories  of  all
North  American Fish Species. Consider joining the  not  for
profit  NFC  by sending 10$ to 1663 Iowa Avenue East  ,  St.
Paul , Minnesota 55106

Robert Rice

Save A Native Eat An Oscar <:)((((<
Check Out the Native Fish Conservancy at
email  NFC at actwin_com   or  website  http:\\nativefish.interspeed.net\