
Re: Majordomo results

The following are members of NANF, with their names printed after thier 
E-Mail adress:
wiegec at sage_edu  J. L. Wiegert
TNelson01 at aol_com  ???
ac554 at freenet_carleton.ca  David Whittitaker
Patrick_Timlin at ADEX_CCMAIL.CompuServe.COM  Patrick Timlin (no, really!)
Rjga at aol_com  Dr. Bob Goldstein
a_ofarr at alcor_concordia.ca Andrew O'Farrel
bill.edwards at asu_edu  Bill Edwards
Kling at aol_com          ???
llorance at ix_netcom.com  Larry Lawrence
jshane at nature_snr.uvm.edu  John Shane
MarkB67830 at aol_com     ???
ough at hp_rmc.ca       Dr. Edward Ough
cuedng at uic_edu       ???
r3dvh at vm1_cc.uakron.edu   ???
staleyr at ecn_purdue.edu  ???
If any of these names are incorrect please contact me.  Also, if by 
accident, I ommited anyone, please contact me.  And lastly, if it says 
??? by your name, please tell.  
J. L. Wiegert
NANF List Manager
