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NFC: Fwd: FW: Snake (OT)

This is OT, I know, but I had to share it!  Hopefully the attached pics will 
show up in the list.

>From: "Olson, Scott" <srolson at bechtel_com>
>To: "'olson7 at hotmail_com'" <olson7 at hotmail_com>
>Subject: FW: Snake
>Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2002 08:02:33 -0700
> >  -----Original Message-----
> > From: 	Johnson, Joe (Brazil)
> > Sent:	Tuesday, June 11, 2002 6:37 AM
> > To:	Gusse, Mark; Gardner, Douglas; Mcspadden, Jeffrey; Magezi, Aaron R
> > Cc:	Gill, Buford; Karges, Doug W; Post, Gregory; Roche, Mauricio
> > Subject:	FW: Snake
> >
> > FYI, here is a (true and honest) picture taken at the Itiquera Hydro
> > project last month.  Needless to say, it caused a little commotion and
> > excitement.  There was a dog inside.
> >
> >
> >  <<DSC03660.JPG>>
> > Now, Here are true and honest story and pictures about a dentist who 
> > fishing near the area we went several weeks back.  Needless to say, this
> > fisherman did not make it home on time.  (the last picture is a little
> > graphic).
> >
> > Hunters and fishermen are known for lying and exaggerating their
> > adventures.  Here, however, is a true story  of a snake that swallowed a
> > fisherman, identified as Dentist Jose Ronaldo. The happened in Mato
> > Grosso, on the banks of the river Araguaia.  A group of four fishermen
> > from São Paulo, one of whom was the dentist Jose Ronald, went on an
> > adventure as they routinely did this time of year. As they had done many
> > times before, they were to fish the waters of the famous river for the
> > great painted, pirarucus, pirararas, tucunarés and piraíbas.  But in 
> > this time they found a sucuri (type of Snake - Anaconda?) that would put
> > an end to the fishing.
> >
> > Upon arriving on the banks of the river, they choose a bare spot to 
> > camp.  Later, they decided to try to try and discover better fish spots 
> > something to use as boats.  The four separated.  By dusk, only three
> > returned to camp.   Worried the three went in search, calling out the
> > dentists name.  They received no reply,  The dense brush and lack of 
> > forced them to return to the camp for the night and wait until dawn.  
> > of the three slept that night.  They believed that Jose Ronald had been
> > attacked by one wild animal or another.
> >
> > At first light, they continued the search.  They had trekked several
> > kilometers, and by late afternoon they discovered the first signs of the
> > dentist.  They found pieces of clothing on the bank of the river.  They
> > showed signs of a fight.  Two of the fishermen thought that maybe there
> > was an assault or kidnapping, giving them hope that he might still be
> > alive.  The third more experienced fisherman, saw the weeds kneaded down
> > and noted tracks of a snake, probably a sucuri of  ten meters more 
> >
> > With the approach of the night, the three returned to the camp.  The
> > following morning the returned to follow the trail.  By the afternoon of
> > the third day they had sighted a great snake (sucuri) sleeping to the 
> > of the river. She was enormous, with an obvious full stomach.  They
> > quickly suspected that that the bulge in the snake was the body of the
> > dentist   They killed the snake by hitting it over the head with pieces 
> > wood.  After that, they managed to get it down to the camp where they
> > loaded it into the bed of the truck and took it to a local bar/store.  
> > snake was opened and the body of the dentist removed.   History did not
> > have that to be exaggerated for this fishing trip, On the other hand, it
> > did not have  happy ending.
> >
> > * Sucurí is a snake that does not possess poison, it if it rolls in
> > victim, suffocated it, breaking all to it the bones and it swallows it
> > dislocating its jaws.
> >
> > Atenção amigos pescadores!
> > Assunto: Sucuri
> >
> >
> > Os caçadores e os pescadores são tidos como mentirosos pelo fato de eles
> > aumentarem em muito suas aventuras. Aqui, no entanto, uma estória
> > verídica, sobre uma cobra que engoliu um dentista pescador identificado
> > como sendo José Ronaldo. O fato verídico aconteceu em Mato Grosso, mais
> > precisamente às margens do rio Araguaia . Um grupo de quatro pescadores 
> > interior paulista dentre eles o dentista José Ronaldo, se aventurou como
> > faziam já há tempos, nesta época do ano , numa pescaria nas águas do
> > famoso rio, em busca de grandes pintados, pirarucus, pirararas, 
> > e piraíbas. Mas na verdade acabaram encontrando uma sucuri de 12 metros 
> > meio que pôs fim a sua pescaria. Tão logo chegaram as margens do rio,
> > escolheram uma clareira para montar acampamento e ao entardecer,
> > resolveram tentar descobrir pesqueiros. Os quatro se separaram ao
> > anoitecer , apenas três retornaram, ao acampamento. Preocupados os três
> > começaram a gritar mato afora, o nome do dentista. Nenhuma resposta e a
> > mata fechada , aliada á falta de luz fez com que voltassem ao 
> > e esperaram pelo amanhecer. Os três passaram a noite acordados.
> > Acreditavam que José Ronaldo tinha sido atacado por uma onça ou qualquer
> > outro animal, com os primeiros raios de sol deram continuidade as 
> > Bateram vários quilômetros e somente no final da tarde encontraram a
> > primeira pista para localizar o dentista. Eram pedaços de suas roupas 
> > estavam a margem do rio. Havia sinais de luta. Logo dois pescadores
> > pensaram que se tratava de um assalto, ou seqüestro e ressurgiram as
> > esperanças de que José Ronaldo ainda estivesse vivo. O terceiro pescador
> > mais experiente viu o mato amassado e afirmou que aquele rastro era de 
> > cobra provavelmente uma sucuri e ela deveria de ter mais de dez metros.
> > Com a aproximação da noite os três voltaram ao acampamento, e somente no
> > dia seguinte seguiram o rastro encontrado . Na tarde do terceiro dia 
> > avistaram uma grande cobra sucuri deitada dormindo ao lado do rio.
> > Era enorme tinha parte do corpo deformado. Logo eles suspeitaram ser o
> > corpo do dentista. Usando um revolver e pedaços de paus eles atingiram a
> > cabeça da cobra, matando-a. Em seguida, a carregaram até o acampamento,
> > onde a colocaram na carroceira de um caminhão e foram para Barra do 
> > A cobra foi aberta e o corpo do dentista retirado. A história não teve 
> > ser aumentada e, ao contrário de outras contadas
> > por pescadores, não teve um final feliz. *A sucurí é uma cobra que não
> > possui veneno, ela se enrola na vitíma, sufocado-a, quebrando-lhe todos 
> > ossos e a engole deslocando suas mandíbulas.
> >
> >
> >  <<Sucuri-01.jpg>>  <<Sucuri-02.jpg>>  <<Sucuri-03.jpg>>
> >
> >

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