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Re: NFC: glass worms

>  For similar reasons I discontinued my "colony" of mosquito larvae ;-
>  )

No other live foods have threatened as many marriages in the aquarium hobby.
(Although the white worms in the yogurt container did their part.)
> Before things froze over, I hauled green water from my daphnia pond to my
> indoor daphnia culture.  Apparently there was mosquito eggs or larvae and
> have found some flying around the house.  I suppose I could rig up some
> of screen over the daphnia cultures so if they hatch, they stay in the
> enclosed area and eventually expire.
> Chuck Church
> in frozen Indianapolis where it hasn't gotten much over 20* for a few

Strain the green water through a fine meshed net. (I had to mail order mine,
the local shops who had carried them were gone.) Plop the contents in a jar
for sorting. That way glasssworms, small damselfly larvae and tiny dragon
fly larvae - which you do not want in your daphnia culture - are intercepted
and can be introduced to an appropriate and receptive audience.

For a couple of years I was tossing out these little chips of charcoal from
an old whiskey barrel. Then someone pointed out to me that those bobbing
little black items, which looked like charcoal scrapped by a fingernail,
were mossie egg rafts. Each has at least dozens to more than a hundred eggs.
The rafts can be dried, probably frozen and used as fry food when you need
something a lot smaller and softer than baby brine shrimp. They also have
the virtue of staying right on the surface where so many tiny fry remain.

You have about a week before any uneaten ones have grown to the point of
transforming into the flying blood suckers. If they change into the pupae -
looking like commas on Prozac - it is turkey baster time. You have a couple
of hours. :)

All the best!


In Chicagoland, where we've gotten an average year's snow already.
