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NFC: Oops forgot to forward the January Ezine............

Breeders Club Ezine !
Volume 2 January 2000

Well after a slow start we came to realize we are better breeders of fish
than writers and editors. So we are going to slimmed down text only
format for awhile ! As we grow and get better at this we will try a html
format until then hang in there. Things in the breeders club are going
well over 30 different species are currenly being kept and reared by
members. Life histories will be our next step. As we fill in these gaps
the data will be put on the website for the world to enjoy and learn
from. We have several administrative needs in the breeders club. One ois
for short articles on breeding fish, second some behind the scenes
editorial and adminstrative help is in order. Just contact the NFC
president at president at nativefish_org . 
We have a Breeders Club newsgroup list that all should join it's a great
way to keep the flame alive just send an email to Majordomo at actwin_com
with message subscribe nfcbreeders  . No header or other stuff is
nessecary. Its easy fun and free so we hope to see you there.
The second edition of the EZINE will include a trading post to aquire
those hard to get fish, articles, a breeders page ( 
http://www.nativefish.org/BP/members.html ) update and a bit of fishy
facts and fun so ENJOY !
Drop Us a note and tell us what your doing we would love to hear from
The Flagfin Shiner (Pteronotropis signippinnis) as an
Aquarium Species
Robert Rice
For a Picture follow this hyper link
Lying  quietly back in the small tannic coastal  springs  of Florida  and
 Alabama,  Mississippi  and  Louisiana  is  the Flagfin shiner . He lives
as a virtual unknown to those  wholive around him. He is one of the most
colorful and tolerant aquarium species around. He also is one of the most
This common Southeastern shiner should be a shining star  ofthe 
aquarium.  He rivals all the well known  tropicals  in looks and he
surpasses almost all of them in toughness.   He takes  flake  ,  frozen
and every other kind  of  food  with relish.  Once established in the
tank he is gentle,  almost disease  free, and showy. He is an excellent
community  tank member. Unfortunately he has remained an unknown species 
to the  Aquarist,  and to a greater degree the general  public. Only  a 
few  odd  collectors, NFC members  and  fisheries personnel even know
he's  there.
Sadly in  this  country  there has developed a  shyness  of  sorts
against  keeping common native species.  Why  ?  Who  knows?  Fortunately
 this  species is one of literally  hundreds  of North  American  Native
Species that are  suitable  aquarium species.  They  pass the Aquarist
test they are  colorful  , durable   and   breedable.  All  the 
priorities  a  serious Aquarist  should  have .  The only missing factor 
for  most Aquarist  is  information . Is there public  information  on
breeding  habits, food requirements etc. ? In this case  the answer  is 
no.  There  are  little  or  no  public  records available on most North
American Native Species in general , and  the  Flagfin Shiner in
specific. With the exception  of the  odd article in a few publications
this  species  has  remained anonymous. While this lack of species
documentation presents a challenge , it is not an insurmountable one .

Aquarist  unique  skills  in breeding  and  rearing  unusual species  
would change the published life history  for  this species  and so many
others in a heartbeat. Imagine the  day when  all  the  State agencies
have full and  complete  life histories on this and other species without
spending a  dime .  This input from Aquarist could help preserve the
species.  The  agencies would know the how, when and why of  breeding,
they  would know the intricacies of raising and rearing.  In short  they 
would  know the Flagfin  Shiner  or  any  other species  Aquarists set
there sights on. How could the  state agencies  get all that information
for free ? The answer  is simple  and  can  be summed up in one word , 
Communicate  .  Aquarist  can  do  that !  If we can  breed  and  raise 
and document  habits of rare Discus and Cichlids , then  unusual
temperate  water species should be a snap. We  should  share our  results
with the local fisheries personnel and Colleges then the whole country
and the Flagfin shiner could benefit!  Fisheries personnel  would  then 
take  our  requests   for expanded  legislated access to Native Fishes
more  seriously if  we shared breeding, rearing and collecting data with
the greater fisheries community.

You  decide the Flagfin sounds like an interesting fish  and you'd  like 
to try this native species for your next  tank. You have a few questions
first. You want to know is it worth the  time and effort to do a serious
attempt at breeding and rearing ? Will it be colorful ? Will I be proud
of my Native Species  tank ? Basically , is this fish one I should  spend
my  time,  money  and efforts on ? The  answer  to  all  the questions 
is yes. For a unbiased opinion here is  what  the benchmark of native
fish guides  Peterson's Field  Guide  to Freshwater Fishes  by Larry M.
Page and Brooks M. Burr  says about  the Flagfin Shiner (keep in mind
this excellent  book is  written for the Scholar/Biologist in the field 
not  the
Aquarist ( page 118 ) " Identification :  Olive Gold  above; upper side
yellow front red at rear: broad blue black stripe along  side  with 
vertical orange dashes; pale  gold  lowerside;  gold snout. Red orange
edge on yellow dorsal, caudal, anal, and pelvic fins ; yellow pectoral
fins deep compressed body,  strongly  tapering  to caudical 
Want Buy A petersons Field guide or other book follow this hyper link

Beautiful, common, unloved  and unknown , a prime  candidate for the
efforts of the serious Aquarist .

Certainly  the  Flagfin Shiner is a colorful fish  and  when compared 
with the various tetra's and danios out there,  it is defiantly worthy of
a serious look . Let's say you are  a Naturalist at heart . You have
decided you want to take  the challenge and rear and breed the Flagfin
Shiner . Well first off,  I congratulate you , and second off , I warn
you. Most likely  you will fail several times before you succeed.  Youare
  venturing  into  uncharted  waters.  There  is   scant documentation
out there. Do not be discouraged that is  part
of  the  learning process. Here is my experience  with  this "Rose of the
South". When I have collected this shiner it is always  in  coastal
seepage springs. Seepage springs  ,  are springs  with no particular head
to them. All along the  bed of  the  spring  are very small little seeps
that  bubble  a small  amount of spring water. What this does is
equilibrate the  temperature all along the small creek  beds  that  this
species  occurs. You see , with no central concentration  of spring 
water there is no hot or cold end to the spring.  It bubbles  along with
a bit here , and a bit there  ,  and  in general  maintains  a  very
constant temperature  ,  pH  and salinity   all  the  while  remaining 
pretty  insignificant (usually  less  than 6 feet across). During  a 
creeks  long ramblings it picks up large amounts of leaf  litter and pine
needles   thus  it  maintains  a  tannic  ,  acidic  quality throughout 
it's  stretch. This leaf  litter gives  it  it's tannic  nature.
Typically these "springs" vary only slightly in temperature  ( 65-71
degrees F) and pH (6.0.- 6.5) during a year. This constancy is the key to
rearing this species .

The  Flagfin is often the most common fish in the places  it inhabits. It
is easy to collect and a lot of fun  .  If  you are  able  to collect the
species yourself  with  a  day  or weekend  trip,  by  all  means do so. 
It  is  the  type  of collecting many people pay thousands  of dollars 
for.  It's tannic home and the variety of flora and fauna you encounter
during your collecting trip will make you believe you are in a  deep ,
dark foreign land. Luckily for you may be able  to collect  the Flagfin
Shiner for the cost of gasoline,  time, lunch  and a fishing license. The
streams in which it occurs are  cool  , comfortable and a pleasure to
seine or  dipnet.  These  tannic  creeks  usually carry few  if  any 
predatory species  and a nice variety of Darters, Shiners and  plants. 
Check  your  Peterson's  Guide,  your  local  Department  of Natural 
Resources  folks  or a NFC member  for  suitable locations to collect and
local regulations. With  a  bit  of research you will find them an ease
to find and collect. Suddenly  you realize you have caught the dreaded 
Native Fish  fever  . What now ? You sadly realize collecting  this
species  is just not a possibility ? Perhaps  your  physical limitations
preclude you from collecting this fish? What  if you  live in Alberta
Canada or Des Moines Iowa ? Inspite  of all  this  you are still burning
with the fever to rear  and breed  this  fish  ! 
Relax, there are regular  trading  post in the EZINE which can  help  you
 get suitable  specimens with little sweat ! Trading  posts  are  fast 
becoming   the   most economical way to acquire native species ! Make a
trade , it is  easy . Perhaps you are uncertain what you have to  offer
as  a trade (many people love to trade tropicals for natives and vice
versa) ! In many cases if you just have nothing  to trade  some people
are happy to send you fish at no  charge, of  course  you  must be
willing to pay the postage  .I  use priority mail with a very high
success rate.With a bit of elbow grease and bit of communication  and  a
collecting  trip  or  trade anyone can posses  some  Flagfin Shiners. If
you are a wise soul you will adjust the water  a bit  before  they arrive
and take the liberty  of  taking  a water  sample  from  their home
waters  with  you  when  you collected, Or asked your trading partner to
send one along .  
Anyhow you have all it takes to make a go of this . You know a  bit about
the former home of these fish  so you can match things in a reasonable
manner. Unfortunately , you and I and most  of the world are still are
ignorant of the intricacies of  their  lifestyle, reproduction and
rearing.  Welcome  to the club and by all means let me share with you
what I know.  This  species  is an egg  scatterer , they spawn  in 
gravel depressions  in  the stream bed. Contrary to published  myth they 
will spawn all year around if conditions are right.  I suspect
temperature around 70 F will get them going but only in combination with
other factors. What are those factors  ?  I  don't know ! Aquarist could
learn those factors . I  have collect  gravid females in the spring ,
fall and winter.  So temperature must be a factor. Their diet consist 
mainly  of small insects and crustaceans in the stream. The closer that
you  can  mimic that the better off you will be. In my  tank they  thrive
on bloodworms, earthworms and mosquito  larvae.  When  I  have  collected
gravid females  they  have  quickly spawned  . They  young are durable
and become free  swimming in  6  days and feed mainly of "green water "
and daphnia  , then baby brine shrimp and finally bloodworms.
I  know there is much to learn about this species and  there are  better 
Aquarist who should take up  the  torch.  Their input  will make the
difference. Biologist just do not  have the  time  and  resources to
further this species  research.  Their  efforts are just spread too thin.
Fisheries personnel have  to  many  hats  to wear. Aquarist are  needed 
in  the environmental  fray more than ever . The breeding  of  these more
common species with documented data is a very practical way  to help our
fishes and the knowledge about them. A last note  of  warning  , Flagfin
Shiners are very  sensitive  to temperature   changes  and  chlorine  so 
plan   your   tank maintenance accordingly and please by all means let us
 know of any success you may have . The states of Florida, Alabama , 
Louisiana  , Mississippi  and many of us out  here  await your results.

David M. Schleser
310 Appian Way
Dallas, TX 75216
e-mail: natimg at flash_net
Want to see a Picture of this fish Follow this hyperlink 
In mid April 1998 I was fortunate to obtain two males and three females 
of the pink form of Fundulus cingulatus, the banded topminnow from Robert
Rice. After quarantining them indoors for three weeks, they were all
moved into a 250 gallon outside fiberglass
pond  that was heavily planted with both floating and submerged plants, 
including Ceratophyllum (hornwort), Ergeria densa (anachris), Cabomba
sp., and 
Azolla sp.From my experiences with the related golden-ear killie, F.
and various species in the starhead killie complex, I expected that
within virtually no time 
that this small pond would be crammed with young banded killifish.  It
should be 
mentioned that this species is much less of a "topminnow" than many
others in its genus, and 
like the golden-ear killie, spends considerable time in mid water or near
bottom searching for food items. 

By mid May the females were obviously filling with eggs and the males
were exhibiting
behaviors of both dominance and courtship. I fed them daily and
waited....and waited some more, but no fry made an appearance. Meanwhile 
an adjacentand identically set up pond that had been stocked with a trio
of the 
beautiful black-speckled form of  F. chrysotus was producing large
quantities of 
young fish. I was totally at a loss to explain the difference. Since I
always spend a 
considerable time in late spring and summer participating in rare plant
surveys in Utah, and 
leading tropical fishstudy and collecting trip to the Amazon River, I did
not have time to 
analyze the situation.
By September the adult cingulatus were still actively courting, but there
were still no fry
to be seen. I reasoned that even if this species was an efficient egg or
fry eater that a few
young would survive. The vegetation was certainly thick enough to provide
hiding places. I then contacted Ray Wolff, a very talented breeder of
native fishes, who
had also received some of these fish from Robert.. He had also placed
them in an outside
pond, and had experienced the same frustrating lack of fry.With this
species' natural breeding season coming to an end, I emptied the pond and
brought all the fish inside. My luck did not improve. One male quickly
killed the other, and then committed suicide by somehow jamming himself
headfirst into a sponge filter's lift tube!  Ray wasn't doing any better
and was down to only one female and three males.
When I told him about my situation he immediately sent two of his males
to me. 
It was now about Oct 1, and only one of my females seemed to still be
heavy with eggs. I placed her in a 20 gallon "long" aquarium with the
more robust of Ray's males.  The only furnishings were a sponge filter
and two large bottom spawning mops and two equally large floating mops.
As an experiment, one of the floating and bottom mops were made of dark
brown Dacron yarn, the others of white. the water was medium hard
(150ppm) and with a pH of 6.8.
The breeders were fed in the morning with flake food and in the evening
with live mosquito larvae. At first the male was a bit overly zealous in
his courtship, keeping the female hidden much of the time among the
strands of the mops. This aggressiveness subsided after less than a week
and eggs could be seen in the bottom mops. This answered one of my
questions: this species does not seek out its eggs for food. Every four
or five days the mops were removed from the aquarium and checked for
eggs.Apparently, unlike the golden ear and starhead killies, this species
is a confirmed bottom spawner (like F. zebrinus). Eggs were only found in
the bottom mops, and virtually all were laid in the dark brown mops.
After being picked from the mops, the rather large eggs (almost 2mm) were
removed to a separate container for incubation. 
This container was a clear plastic shirt box with about one-inch of water
 taken from the breeding aquarium.. No aeration was used, but as a
precaution against the eggs fungusing a bit of methyline blue was added
to the water. At 74 F the eggs began to hatch after 10 - 12 days
incubation. The newly hatched fry are very large, and have no trouble
consuming newly hatched brine shrimp nauplii. This was their sole food
for about 10 days, It was then alternated with powder-fine dry food. I
now have over 50 healthy cingulatus fry. They are growing very rapidly,
and at the time of writing (Dec. 19) the oldest are now a little over ½
inch long. 
By the end of November the female's egg production had ceased but the
male still was
still courting. In order to prevent any damage to the female the pair was
removed from
the breeding tank and placed in a 110 gallon, heavily planed native fish
community tank
that also housed the other trio. In these larger quarters it was easier
for the females to keep away from the male. Except for the larger male
occasionally chasing  the smaller one, all has been peaceful, with no
other infra- or interspecific  aggression shown by this species. Among
the many other fish in this aquarium are two pairs of  golden-ear
killies. I find it interesting that these two related and somewhat
killifish have been mutually compatible.
In summary, I still do not know why F. cingulatus proved non-productive
in an outdoor
pond, but it is a beautiful and easily accommodated species that appears
to be quite easily spawned and raised in an aquarium. A word of advise:
courting males can  be a bit rough on the female (in my experience not as
bad as F. trysts). I therefore  recommend using at least a 10-gallon tank
for breeding them and provide plenty of mops to  provide hiding places as
well as safe retreats for the female. My experiences also  indicate that
only one male should be used. If you are lucky enough to have more than
one pair 
of this fish I recommend switching out males and females periodically as
a means of 
assuring as much genetic diversity in the fry as possible. By the way, in
speaking with  Ray Wolff I have learned that after he brought his adult
fish inside, he also started  collecting eggs from them. I would be
interested in hearing from other members who have had experience with the
banded topminnow.
If you want your ad to be added or deleted to/from the wish list drop
me a note at lepomis at email_msn.com to  or Join the Fish Wish List at
FWL at actwin_com by sending a note to Majordoma at actwin_com with the
following message in the body subscribe FWL. This list is provided as
service  to interested parties and emails lists. I accept NO
responsibility  for any bad trades or illegal actions resulting from
contacts made on this list. Deadbeat traders will be kicked off the list.
All parties are expected to act in good faith and follow all applicable
laws. (I just type the list folks ) All ads subject to rejection solely
at my discretion. This list is affiliated with The NFC breeders Program
and may be reposted in it's entirety without permission. If you want to
look at these fish or the Breeders program go to the NFC website at
www.nativefish.org and check out their HUGE photo gallery.

THE NFC Breeders Club has LOTS of neat native fish available for free to
people willing to share their breeding success with the NFC. Check them
out on the NFC website at www.nativefish.org or contact the
breeding guy at president at nativefish_org

Todd Daniels. (507) 365-8081 Thurs. through Sundays; or email
daniels.todd at mayo_edu; or snaildarter mail 73323 270th Ave. Hayfield, MN
55940..Want a few Orangespotted sunfish. Young of year or older is fine.
Have to trade: YOY dollar sunfish (1/2"), green sunfish(1-2"), rock bass,
really cool fish(1-2") or smallmouth bass(2-3"). What would you like? 
Tom Payne: e-mail paynedds at aol_com  Would like to buy ½ dozen each of
blue spotted sunfish, Bluefin killies, black banded sunfish, and E.
Snail mail 10100 Hoover Woods Rd., Galena, Ohio 43021, phone 740-965-9311

Hanford High School Biology class attn.: Scott Page 
email HanfordSci at aol_com 
website- http://www.rsd.edu/schools/hanfordhigh/aquatic/nfc.html :
Has Fundulus linelatus , Wild caught ERP Cichlids , Heterandria Formosa,
Fundulus Chrysotus, bluefin killie, bluespotted sunfish, orangethroat
darters and tons of other unique native fishes for sale/ trade. If you
are a school teacher ask me how to turn your class room into a
conservation tool that is financially self supporting. People in
Washington State check out what we are doing locally .

Robert Rice-Email Lepomis at email_msn.com  JOIN A GAINESVILLE FLORIDA
John Brill- 61 Brookside Ave. Livingstone, NJ  07039
HAS FOR TRADE: Enneacanthus chaetodon , E.gloriosus , E.
obesus, Umbra pygmaea , Aphredoderus sayanus (Pirate Perch 
very rare in NJ) , Etheostoma fusiforme , Fundulus heteroclitus ,
Cyprinidon variegatus ovinus , Lucania parva, Syngnathus fuscus, Mendina
beryllina and many other Atlantic
coastal plain and estuarine species. WANTS: Lota lota , Archoplites
interrupts, Hiodon spp. ,  Aplodinotus cycleptus, Ictiobus and other
sucker species, or anything else I haven't had before. Write or call
first; all correspondence  answered. Some recent bad experiences with
deadbeat traders.  Only   interested in hearing from people who are
serious about trading and willing to reciprocate.

Tim Wolfe -2911 Belle Aire Blvd. Theodore, AL 36582
Phone #: (334) 973-2524.
HAS FOR TRADE: Flagfin shiners, sailfin shiners, Elassoma
species, many others. ALSO HAS: tropicals including angels,
guppies , Corydoras  catfish for trade. WANTS : Various  darters and
Carolina shiners for breeding program.

Ray Katula - Missifishppi Aquatics, Box 58, Genoa, WI  54632. (608)
689-2726 email: missfish_aqua at hotmail_com
Has for sale/trade: 3 bucks a piece plus shipping.Species List:  Flame
chubs, Variegated darters, Phalen Lake Rainbow darters,  Squamosum
Orangethroat darters,Red shinersHighline Carpsuckers, Spotted Suckers
,Flame Chubs, Southern Redbelly Dace Redside Dace. 

Bruce Scott 520 E. Lake Hazel Rd., Meridian, ID  83642  Email:
br0630 at aol_com
HAS FOR SALE OR TRADE: H. Formosa, [tadpole madtoms (N. gyrinus), some
less than 1" long], and dwarf crayfish (C. shufeldtii); can get small
pumpkinseed sunfish, yellow perch, white crappie at certain times of the
WANTS: margined matoms (N. insignis), orangefin madtoms (gilberti), least
madtoms (N. hildebrandi), Neosho midget crayfish (O. macrus), any pygmy
sunfish (Elassoma)and any or all kinds of crayfish.  Please write or
e-mail me on shipping crayfish as I have a pretty surefire way of doing
it with minimal losses.

Ron Romigh 604 Allen Avenue, Monaca, PA 15061-1606. Phone #: (412)
775-6112. Email: rromigh at ccia_com.
WANTS TO BUY: Lucania goodei, F. Zebrinus ,colorful breedable darters, E.
evergladi, E. okeefenokee, E.boelkei , E. okatie, E.spring ,  Ennecanthus
obesus, E.chaetodon , Lepomis marginatus,  L. humilus and L. symmetricus.

Andrew Borgia, P.O Box 4346, Key West, FL 33041 Phone # (305) 294-8739.
Email noturus2 at aol_com
HAS FOR TRADE:  A great variety of marine specimens and
inverts for trade, also has some Key West herps for trade.  WANTS:
Interested in a great variety of North American species for a private
preserved collection.

DWIGHT D. MOODY P.O. Box 214, East Montpelier, VT  05651
Phone #: home - (802)476-0685; work (802)241-3482. Email
address:dwightmoody at hotmail_com HAS: Hetandria Formosa for sale or trade.
ALSO HAS OR CAN GET: a wide variety of Vermont species between mid-April
and the end of November, including Fundulus diaphanous,  northern
dace , slimy sculpins ,trout-perch, burbot, various minnows, catfish, 
shiners, etc.

John Laurent, P.O. Box 1018, Bartow, FL 33831
Email: jfranklaurent at msn_com WANTS: I am interested in buying and 
Rearing information on the Following species: Blue nose shiners, red
pygmy Sunfish, flagfin & sailfin shiners, blue spotted sunfish, Orange
spotted sunfish, and rainbow darters. HAS: For Commercial sale Shovelnose
sturgeon , Florida gar others . CHECK OUT MY WEBSITE

Darryl Roche 425 NE Ave Ft Lauderdale Florida 33301 , email
phylesis at aol_com has for sale bluefin Killies , Bluespot Sunfish,
Heterandria Formosa, Pygmy Sunfish,  Florida Flagfish ,  Fundulus
Chrysotus, PIKE LIVEBEAREARES  (Belonesox belizanus), WILD CAUGHT
Cichlids , and many other south Florida species for sale. Check with me
on prices and availability. My availability changes from week to week and
I often run GREAT blowout  specials. I take personal checks and
specialize in Aquarium club auctions and Public Aquarium Displays.
Many Plants avaliable to interested parties 50$ for a box of
approximately125 plants of my choice based on availability.. On vacation
in Florida ? Hire me to take you Cichlid/native fish collecting at very
Rates . I follow all state and federal regulations. Drop me a note all
Mail answered.

Ray Suydam - email : raysuy at webtv_net ,  Long Island NY 
Wants :Colorful Daces- Minnows-Plants. Has for trade asst. exotic
killifish custom spawning mops- shipping boxes.  Serious replies only.

Dan McMonigle, 3896 Boston Rd., Brunswick, OH 44212-1262, ph#440-238-8336
email Mcdaphnia at aol_com : Sell or Trade: Live Daphnia, Cypris, or Cyclops
$5/portion   Spotted Gambusia holbrooki-southern Florida strain with
nearly all  spotted males,  some spotted  females   $15/pair Can get
sticklebacks, darters for trades Want small species of sunfish  

Bruce Bernard: Email : bruce_bernard at yahoo_com WANTED: Olympic
Mudminnows. Buy or trade for killies, native or exotic. 

Josh Wiegert Email: Joshuaw at paul_paulsmiths.edu, Paul Smiths College Box
1294, Paul Smiths, NY 12970 (Sept-Mid Dec, Jan-May. e-mail for address
outside of this): Wants : ANY Darters, esp. Riffle and Twig Spawners. 
Willing to trade for anything else.  Has (or can get): Wide variety of
plants.  Some small perch.  E. olmstedi, E. nigrum, some tropicals, esp.
Cichlid. Currently living in the middle of nowhere, far from any pet
shops. Interested in talking to people willing to trade tropicals, as

Jeremy Carroll- email: eagle at on-net_net: Wants to buy: flathead catfish
fry, channel catfish fry, blue catfish fry, ANY MADTOMS ! I love catfish,
looking to share with others with similar interests. Also any info people
have on the Iridescent Shark (pangasius suchi).

GARY ROLLWAGE - grollwag at oilstates_com WANTED:JUVENILE  OZARK BASS, 
Ron Brooks email- orchid at kellnet_com , Want to buy : Java Moss , Notropis
Chrosomus - Rainbow Shiner, Elassoma Boehlke   - Carolina Pygmy Sunfish
Etheostoma Acuticeps - Sharphead Darter, Etheostoma Caeruleum - Rainbow
Chris AKA - Skiwee10 at aol_com writes: I have/can get the following native
species and they are sold at reasonable prices. Bluegill ,Juvenile
Largemouth Bass- 1 -2 inch range specimens seasonally  available, 6 
inches or more available year round .Yellow bullheads/ Black bullheads
Channel Catfish above 8 inches , Green Sunfish, Softshell turtle juvenile
specimens ,Green turtle juvenile specimens ,Crawdads year round and very
cheap! Green frogs/bullfrogs year round contact me if you have any
specific species you are wanting to buy by  emailing me  at
Skiwee10 at aol_com, chances are I may be able to get it for you.
Wanted- Channel, White, Bullhead(any species), Flathead, or Blue catfish
juveniles in the 1 to 3 inch range, if you can get any or all of these
email  me for trade or buying info. Chris

Imraan Seedat e-mail: iseedat at bigfoot_com -Please add my request for
Lepomis megalotis sent to South Africa to the list 

Breeders Program Members and Projects 
Here is a list of Breeders Club Members as of 1/00 and the projects they
are working on. All Breeders Club Members follow all state and Federal
regulations. You will notice the distribution of fish to new members has
begun.We have also picked up over a dozen new species since our last
update. We can expect written life histories with in the next 6 months.
Keep up the good work and contact president at nativefish_org with any
questions or comments. If you are a recent Breeders Program member and
were left off the list please contact president at nativefish_org and we
will update the list. If you are awaiting fish or want to donate legally
collected specimens please contact the NFC Prez at
president at nativefish_org.
· Bill Duzen Theduuz at aol_com 
· Elassoma okefenokee 
· Black banded sunfish 
· Dollar sunfish 
· Rainbow darters 
· Fantail darters 
· Greensided darters 
· Heterandria formosa 
· Gambusia affis sp. holbrooki 
· Poecilia mexicana 
· Lucania goodei 
· Fundulus crystotus melanistic 
· Fundulus cingulatus 
· Flag fin shiner 
· sailfin shiner 
· Bluehead shiner 
· Fathead minnow 
· Long nose dace 
· tadpole madtoms 
· chain pickeral 
· Cyprinodon nicholsi 
· Fish I have distributed: R. Park- Bluehead shiners, Sailfin shiners,
fathead minnows 
· Ted Taft- Elassoma okefenokee, Orangethroated darters, Sailfin shiners,
F. cingulatus 
· Jeff Mckee- Elassoma evergladei, Fundulus chrystotus melanistic 
· Jeff Kilker- Fundulus chrystotus melanistic 
· Klaus Schoening- Sailfin shiners, Fundulus chrystotus melanistic 
· Robert Rice- Fundulus chrystotus melanistic 
· Al Morales- Sailfin shiners, Lucania goodei 
· Jeff McKee Killie at compuserve_com 
· E. zonatum 
· E. evergladei 
· Pygmy sunfish 
· livebearers 
· F.chrysotus 
· Klaus Schoening klaus.schoening at jungle_org 
· Fundulus chysotus melanistic 
· Pteronotropis hubssi 
· Wright Huntley huntley1 at home_com 
· Heterandria formosa 
· Cyprinodons 
· J.floridae 
· Charles Anderton dakota at startext_com 
· Elassoma spp. 
· J.floridae 
· John Sellers jsellersiv at yahoo_com 
· Heterandria formosa 
· Elassoma zonatum 
· Enneacanthus gloriosus 
· Fundulus spp. 
· David Hall dahall at lightspeed_net 
· Fundulus cingulatus 
· fundulus chrysotus 
· Elassoma evergladei 
· Heterandria formosa 
· Ray Wollf 
· Bantam Sunfish 
· Bowfin 
· Many Small Killies 
· Pygmy Sunfish 
· Dwight Moody dwightmoody at hotmail_com 
· Fundulus escambia 
· Fundulus cingulatus 
· Leptolucania ommatta 
· Tom DiCola MRUARU2 at aol_com 
· Still awaiting first fish shipment.... :)