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NFC: State of the Lists Adress

Hey Everyone

  I figured I'd give a general "State of the Lists" blurb on here.
Overall, I'vwe been pretty busy, so haven't gotten around until doing it
just yet.   This was, overall, a good year for the NFC lists.  Membership
on the nFC list has dropped from a high of about 125 to 104 on the main
list, and 28 on the digest.  The digest has seen new members, which does
account for the drop on the main list, somewhat.  We cut our sublists,
which have increased membership on the main list somewhat -- though only
marginally increasing the number of messages.
   In 1999, messages peaked at 408/month in January (down from a 1998 high
of 697) and stayed steady at about 280/month, suffering lows of 197 and
150 in June and September, respectively.  Of course, this is MUCh improved
from our 1998 low of 24 messages (Feb) and our 1997 of 21!  
    The list is now in its fourth year since I founded it as the NANF list
in Juneof 1996.  (Dec 10, 1996.)   A glance at messages per moth versus
time quickly shows when we became NFC at actwin_com and the official list of
the Native Fish conservation, messages go from an average of 40/month to
<cough cough> 154 in April, 1998 and then 436 in May.  (We merged 22
Ap[ril, just for the record.)  (If you're interestesd in all those
statistics in detail, check out:
http://www.actwin.com/fish/nanf/index.cgi.  This is the index of all
archived posts.)
    This year has been relatively problem free... I've only had to get out
the old betleH about 5 times to whack someone over the head with it.  Its
also been a relatively interesting year for everyone in so many other
fields.  We saw Y2K scams and scares, Presidentail Lip Wrestling (HA!),
and many other things -- most of which managed to stay off the list, I'm
proud to say!  
   Whats in the works, you might ask?
   Well, I might answer (you'd have to actually ask) THATS UP TO YOU.  I
remain open to any suggestsions and ideas any of you have.  Just send them
to my personal mailbox at: owner-nfc at actwin_com, or
wiegerj at paulsmiths_edu.   Put something in the subject so I know what
they're about, and I'll get back to you on them.  If its a good idea, I'll
be happy to put them to a vote and even implement them.  
   Some of the ideas on the back burner include adding NFC_Breeders to the
digest, creating a Members only list, creating a chit chat list, and a few
others.  If you have support for an idea, let me know too.  Hell, if you
think its a really good or bad idea, let me know then too.  I like getting
e-mail that isn't spam! :) 
   Also, remember that I am the list admin and am open to any commentary.
Praise will win you cookies!  Critism won't get you cookies, but it also
won't get you betleH'd!  I promise!
  Lastly, the first person to successfully translate any of the Klingonese
in my signature wins a cookie!

Joshua L. Wiegert
NFC Lists Administrator                          Wiegerj at paulsmiths_edu
www.geocities.com/RainForest/Jungle/1680/        owner-nfc at actwin_com
ICQ 1918889                                      AIM UID: Etheosoma
Feel free to contact me by any of the above means for any reason.
   tIqDaq HoSna' tu'lu'           nIteb Qob quD jup 'e' chaw'be' SuvwI'
NFC Lists include the main 'NFC' list, 'NFC-Digest,' 'NFCBreeders' and the
Fish Wish List (FWL).  To subscribe to any of these, e-mail
Majordomo at actwin_com with the command subscribe <listname>.  To
unsubscribe, use the command unsubscribe <list>.  Help returns a list of
other commands, or feel free to contact me at Owner-NFC at actwin_com.  All
lists are @actwin.com. Come join us and chat about our native fishes, or
visit http://www.nativefish.org!