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NFC: Fw: Lucania parva

Robert Rice
Join the NFC and help save our fishes. www.nativefish.org  

The truth no matter how little of it there is is always in oversupply !

--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: stonecreeklock at webtv_net (Joseph Eisenhart)
To: president at nativefish_org
Date: Sun, 26 Dec 1999 06:01:50 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Lucania parva
Message-ID: <9449-3865F59E-3684 at storefull-222_iap.bryant.webtv.net>

       Greetings Mr Rice, as a new member of the NFC, I enjoyed your
article on our native killies. Noting your inclusion of Lucania goodei,
I am writing to ask you for specific direction concerning Lucania parva.
I,ve been enjoying     a small group of 7 adults (2M 5F), collected on
the Carolina costal plain this past summer .        Although visibly
content in mildly brackish,corl enhanced water, I'm seeking truly
optimum conditions, learned through either experience or research, in
the hopes of establishing a thriving  captive population. Initially
accepting various       foods, I believe an inadvertent green water
algae bloom, has helped them through the          transition, w/ reguard
to shyness, and perhaps   even aided in a smoother dietary transition.
Any direction would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you, and best
holiday wishes                 Joe Eisenhart--Central Pennsylvania
