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NFC: Fw: Here Come the Sunnies


Robert Rice
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--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Glen Sherman <sherman at unicomp_net>
To: robertrice at juno_com
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 18:25:43 -0500
Subject: Here Come the Sunnies
Message-ID: <371FAFF7.C7BB00A8 at unicomp_net>

Dear Mr. Rice,
        My name is Shara Sherman and I write to you from northeast
I was very excited when I ran across your article in the May issue of
magazine!  I have never been a fish enthusiast until now.  A short time
ago my daughter and I started trapping minnows and shiners in a small
creek to stock
our pond with.  One day we caught a small fish and out of curiosity I
to find out what it was before we released it into the pond, we
went and purchased a copy of the Audubon Society Field Guide to North
American fishes and soon identified it as a bluegill sunfish.  Other
info I came
across stated that most sunfish adapt readily to captivity and make good

aquarium fish.  We have since caught and indentified two others.  The
green sunfish and the warmouth.
    All three species have accepted life in a thirty gallon aquarium and
doing really , really well!  Although not as brightly colored as the
shown in your article they do use color to communicate.  The warmouth is
a very shy fish and spends alot of time at the bottom when not begging
food.  The bluegill and the green sunfish are somewhat aggressive
when feeding, they all have ferocious appetites and will eat anything I
them.  I would like to know how to tell males from females.
   Anyway, just thought I would let you know about my boys ( yes, they
all have names too! )  Thank you for your time.

                                      Shara Sherman
                                    sherman at unicomp_net

P.S.  I have other questions regarding care and maintenance of my
specifically cloudy water.  If you can and will help me please let me
Thanks so much