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Re: NANFA-- never keep eels

I am big on freshwater inverts.  I collected some bryozoans last night that
look a lot like brain coral.  I don't know if they could be shipped but I did
put a small one in a fish tank.  I can get you small eels.  They are neat but
they do eventually get big.  Dwarf crayfish are nice as are large ghost
shrimp, "Macrobrachium niponesis" is one species I would like to have.  Atydid
shrimp are another odd invert that would go well in a set up like you are
contemplating.  Clam shrimp, tadpole shrimp, fairy shrimp and large gammarus
are inverts that can be cultured separately and added from time to time to
keep a population going even if they are preyed upon by aquarium fish.  I am
hoping to get some sponges soon, and there are even earthworms that will live
underwater.  I would set up the tank in stages adding small inverts first so
they can establish a population (black worms come to mind) in places where
fish can't get to them easily.  I would like some large isopods also (if they
exist) I know that seed shrimp (cypris) in the tropics grow to more than one
inch long. there is even a freshwater horseshoe crab.  So inverts do exist, we
just have to find a way to get them.

