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Re: Breeders Program participation)

Following is taken directly from the Breeders Program membership
application, and is what was agreed to by ALL members of the program,
including myself, as everyone has sent me their copy of this back before
any fish were asked for for that person, or shipped to them, unless
shipping was done under other arrangements that the Breeders program was
not a party to.
NOTE: this copy reflects a change in the wording of section 4 of the
code of ethics that now clarifies some concerns expressed about the
prior version, but is essentially the same.

As Robert's very generous offer pertained to contributing a 'seed'
donation to the Breeders program participants, all shipping included,
and not just to anyone in general, I suggest that all those that have
received his fish should in fact begin participating. All that is
necessary is sending in your registration form that was included in my
previous post to this list. I appreciate your simple cooperation in this
matter. I understand that everyone has time pressures to be considered,
but NOW is, in this case, the time to put your actions to what you have
promised to do.

	As for any further donations for 'seed' fish, or inverts, or anything
else, there will be a time limit on such offers to avoid any further
potential misunderstanding or abuse from anyone.
	In the current case, I think Tim and I both simply were not aware that
his question would cause a concern, as he stated he would be willing to
pay for the fish if the program offer were over.

	The post that started all this was a simple enough seeming request, but
I suppose we can all assume at this point that Robert's original offer
has reached its conclusion. Had I known that, that would have been the
end of it, however I was under the false impression that this offer was
going to be good till the end of the month, as was stated in the

            Re: Breeders Program update
            Thu, 4 Jun 1998 18:29:19 +0000
            robertrice at juno_com (robert a rice)
            nfc at actwin_com
            nfc at actwin_com
            1 , 2

As a point of reference I have no plans to be a continual source for
these species...........Folks who are serious will get a nice starter
colony ...I have no plans (yet) to continue the freebies past this
month....Please each of you privatly email me to discuss tank setups ,
shipping dates etc......Ummm do I pay postage on this deal ?

On Thu, 04 Jun 1998 17:28:47 -0500 Herb Harris <top_side at geocities_com>
>Hi all,
>       Those of you still wanting to take Robert up on his generous 
>offer of
>free fish to get the Breeders Program off to a good start, let me 
>       Today I sent Robert a list of the following confirmed Breeders 
>Members that had asked for fish under his offer:
>David L. Hall
>Bill Flowers
>J. L. Wiegert
>Chad L. Mastbergen
>       If I overlooked anyone, my apologies, just send me a note with 
>fish of interest from his list and I will correct the oversight!
>       If anyone is interested in joining the Breeders Program, let 
>me know,
>I'll send the application out shortly.

	I have no point of contention here, just a misunderstanding on my part.
I apologize, must be the heat. From now on, I will be asking for a
cutoff date from all persons with 'seed' donations to avoid this problem
with other members.

	Robert, you had added 'seed' Blackbanded sunnies in the following post:

          Wed, 10 Jun 1998 16:09:33 +0000
          robertrice at juno_com (robert a rice)
          nfc at actwin_com
          nfc at actwin_com






	Robert, just to avoid confusion, please let me know the cutoff date for
this offer, as the Breeders program will handle your donation as the
members are found to meet your pre qualification criteria, as currently
only a few BP members, out of nine total, are in the experienced
	Or perhaps someone has already taken you up on this offer without me
being aware of it. Certainly no one has registered these fish to date.


Herb Harris

                Breeders Program Code of Ethics

  1.I will follow all applicable State and Federal laws and regulations
(including special directives) concerning and governing the possession,
shipment, and propagation of any fish and their offspring that I have
registered in the NFC Breeders Program. 
  2.I will follow a policy of "Never Return to the Wild" any species of
fish I have registered in the NFC Breeders Program, unless under special
directive to do so from the appropriate state or federal agency
governing the possession, shipment, and propagation of that specific
registration of fish in the NFC Breeders Program. 
  3.I will record and reveal the life history and breeding behavior of
any fish and their offspring that I have registered in the NFC Breeders
Program. Furthermore in the event that I develop a successful breeding
technique for any species never before breed in captivity, or a new
technique not known to the NFC membership for any species I have   
registered in the NFC Breeders Program, I will not fail to make this
information and the specifics of the technique I used known to the full
NFC membership. 
  4.I agree to make available, as a donation, 50% of the offspring of
any fish that I have registered in the NFC Breeders Program and also, to
pack and ship them as directed by the NFC Breeders Program Coordinator,
or whomever may be appointed as Shipping Manager by the NFC Breeders
Program Coordinator. Furthermore, I agree to the terms of shipping
reimbursement as set by the NFC Breeders Program Coordinator. 
  5.I agree that no fish in my possession shall be a part of the NFC
Breeders Program except such fish that I have properly registered with
the NFC Breeders Program Coordinator, or whomever may be appointed as
Program Registrar by the NFC Breeders Program Coordinator. 

            Breeders Program Rewards of Membership

In addition to the terms of the Code of Ethics I understand that the
Rewards of Membership that I may gain from participation in the NFC
Breeders Program are as follows:

  1.The chance to get and keep great fish! 
  2.The opportunity to contribute to furthering the body of knowledge of
Native North American Fish, with recognition and appreciation by the
full NFC membership of your contributions. 
  3.The chance to earn Breeders Award Points for successfully breeding
your registered fish, which can add up to enough to purchase more
equipment, etc., as set by the NFC Breeders Program Coordinator. Details
may be obtained from the NFC Breeders Program Coordinator, or whomever
may be appointed Breeders Awards Administrator by the NFC Breeders
Program Coordinator. 
  4.Tax deductible contribution to the NFC through the donation of 50%
of the registered fish you raise and ship. 
  5.I understand that other rewards may be set by the NFC Breeders
Program Coordinator with the approval of the NFC President and Board of
directors that are not currently available to me but can include a grant
for the more challenging or difficult to breed species which requires
specialized equipment. Details may be obtained from the NFC Breeders
Program Coordinator if needed.
