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Huge plug coming out in August FAMA......:)

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To: <robertrice at juno_com>
Subject: National Fish Conservancy
Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 11:20:28 -0700
Message-ID: <000101bd791b$a6b99520$30642299@default>


The following is what I have scheduled for inclusion in my August
If there ary any changes or additions please let me know by email asap.

Don Dewey

Native Fish Conservancy Formed
 In an announcement sent to the hobbyist press on April 20th, the Board
Trustees of the newly formed Native Fish Conservancy announced that it is
now accepting memberships. The non-profit organization will fund grass
conservation programs all across the country that will benefit native
and their aquatic environments. Member projects as small as an
program in a local grade school and as large as a major land purchase
be considered. It is anticipated that the organization will focus heavily
public outreach and education and hope to have 10,000 members by the year
2000. The NFC seeks members interested in the conservation, aquarium
rearing, sport fishing, research, study, and breeding of native fishes.
Individuals concerned with stream restoration and greater conservation
efforts are also invited to join the Conservancy.
 Members who join the NFC will receive the bi-monthly publication, the
Flier. They will also get access to the NFC’s extensive database and
fish related items at a great discount. For example, the first 500 new
members can receive a complimentary 8” x 10” print from artist Joseph
Tommeleri of either a Paddlefish, Longear sunfish, Redbelly dace, Redfin
darter, or Rosefin shiner. These prints are a $25 retail value but are an
added benefit of membership in the NFC. (New members simply pay an
addditonal $2.00 shipping charge). Regular US membership is $10.00 while
student membership is $5.00 (please include your school and school ID
number). Canadian membership is U.S. $15.00. All other foreign countries
U.S. $20.00. (Specify your print choice and include two extra dollars to
cover its postage). Corporate memberships are $100 which includes a free
on the NFC web site.
 The Board Of Directors of the National Fish Conservancy are Larry Page,
Ph.D., Steven Vernon, M.D., Dr. Jim Williams, and Dwight Moody.
should be sent to the NFC membership coordinator Konrad Schmidt, 1633
Avenue East, St. Paul, MN 55106.
 Be sure to check the NFC’s web site at
http://members.xoom.com/nativefishes. Their email list is
nativefishcons at hotmail_com

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