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peter.unmack at ASU_Edu: Re: NANFA-- Quiz

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From: peter.unmack at ASU_Edu
To: nanfa at aquaria_net
Subject: Re: NANFA-- Quiz
Date: Sun, 02 Nov 1997 11:03:04 -0700 (MST)
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.971102105324.28089G-100000 at general2_asu.edu>

On Sat, 1 Nov 1997 BGran83736 at AOL_COM wrote:

> What species may be the "most-introduced" species of all?

Talking fish, I'd say your right, Gambusia, but more than one species has
been introduced to different places, for instance, in Australia we only
have G. holbrooki.  I think most places have G. affinis.  Carp would
probably get second as would goldfish.  Also, don't forget about those
"wonderful" tilapia that are eating the world's fishes to extinction. 
Good ole sunfish, bass, and probably some ictalurid catfishes are also
making themselves a nuisience around some parts of the world too,
especially Europe.  Many trout and salmon species have been spread around
the world although many did not form sustaining populations.  Browns are
probably the most widespread as they can live in more places than
can.  It always amuses me that one of the largest threats to the
conservation of trout is the introduction of other trout species.  A
really wierd situtation is in the east the introduction of rainbows has
displaced many native brook trout populations, in the west the
introduction of brookies has displaced some native rainbow populations. 


Peter J Unmack 			peter.unmack at asu_edu
DESERT FISHES RULE: To boldly thrive where no other fish can make it!

Australian desert fishes pages at ozdesertfish.base.org (don't forget to 
visit the Desert Fishes Council pages too)
Native Fish Australia pages at www.nativefish.asn.au
North American Native Fishes Association at www.nanfa.org 

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