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mbinkley at earthling_net (Mark Binkley): Re: NANFA-- Fathead minnow

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From: mbinkley at earthling_net (Mark Binkley)
To: nanfa at aquaria_net
Subject: Re: NANFA-- Fathead minnow
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 13:31:17 -0600
Message-ID: <b02246780602100462dd@[]>

>Hi All,
>If any of you watch the "Animal Planet" channel, then you may have seen
>the show about the Fathead minnow, Pimephales promelas. This was a
>entertaining presentation on the life cycle and behavioral aspect of the
>One of the film segments showed the male Fathead guarding the eggs and
>cleaning the underside of the rock  where the eggs were incubating.

On a fathead related note-  I recently discovered some eggs on the
underside of a rock here in Ohio.  My collecting partners assumed they
darter eggs.  I scraped some off and brought them home in a bucket of
and put them in a ten gallon tank.  I now have a healthy group of inch
juvenile fatheads.  Apparently they are one of a few minnow species who
adhere plaques of eggs to rocks in cichlid and darter fashion.

Mark Binkley
Columbus, Ohio, USA
mbinkley at earthling_net


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