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NFC: Fw: Send your feedback on the River Budget for FY'04

Robert Rice - NFC president   www.nativefish.org

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Jamie Mierau <jmierau at amrivers_org>
Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 15:12:36 -0400
Subject: Send your feedback on the River Budget for FY'04
Message-ID: <C38434C99676D41199110090273CF055C4DF87@snake>


Each year since 1997, American Rivers and thousands of local, regional
and national conservation and community groups have collaborated to
produce the River Budget: National Priorities for Local River
Conservation – a report that identifies key federal funding priorities
for river conservation and restoration in the following fiscal year.  For
FY’03, more than 600 groups in all 50 states and Puerto Rico endorsed the
report’s recommendations.

Now that we are well into the congressional appropriations process for
FY’03, it is time to turn our attention to the River Budget for FY’04. 
The strength and success of the River Budget comes from people like you –
and because you are integral to its success we are again asking for your
input to create this report.
Help us with your recommendations on programs that you think should
appear in the River Budget for FY’04 and changes in funding levels for
programs listed in the FY’03 report.  In each recommendation, please
      1)      Program name
2)      Agency responsible for administering the program
3)      Funding level you think the program needs to succeed
4)      How it would help to protect and restore rivers
5)      An agency contact if one is available
Send your feedback online at
http://www.amrivers.org/riverbudget/feedback.htm, by email to
jmierau at americanrivers_org, or by calling (202) 347-7550 and asking for
Jamie Mierau.  
After we have received these comments and drafted the report for FY’04,
we will contact you to get further comments on the draft River Budget for
FY’04 and offer you the opportunity to sign on in support.
Thank you for your time and support.  We appreciate and look forward to
your feedback.
P.S.  We will be contacting you this summer to get your feedback on a new
initiative by the river community to create a national agenda for river
conservation.  This agenda will be presented to national decision makers
policy priorities based on the greatest threats to our rivers and

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