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NFC: Al Castro

Although not exactly a native fish guy, well known aquarist Al Castro passed
away this Sunday.  Al was notable for his efforts in the fields of tetra and
killiefish breeding and conservation.

"With great sadness, Al Castro past away early Sunday morning.
  A Memorial Mass will be held for Al at;

  Our Lady of The Visitation Church
  795 Sunnydale Ave.
  San Francisco
  "reception following"

  It is this Friday (2/22) 11:00 AM

  In lieu of flowers, donations preferred to a "Memorial Fund"
  in Al's name.  There will be a memorial bench in Al's honor on the Crystal
  Boardwalk at Ash Meadows.
  More information on Al's fund should be available at the Memorial,
  or contact myself later in the week for more information.  "

Jeff Perera            pas1jeff at rcn_com

Joshua L. Wiegert
NFC Lists Administrator                          JLW at dune_net
www.geocities.com/Josh_Wiegert                   owner-nfc at actwin_com
www.dcpondcare.com                               pondcare at dcpondcare_com
ICQ Unavailable For Now                          AIM UID: JoshuaWiegert
Feel free to contact me by any of the above means for any reason.
   tIqDaq HoSna' tu'lu'           nIteb Qob quD jup 'e' chaw'be' SuvwI'
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