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NFC: Java Moss Avail. Anyone have Daphnia or Cyclops?

Hey Everyone.

I've got a few nice clumps of Java Moss.  If any of the three guys who
won my plant auction previously want any, drop me a mail.  I'll also be
shipping out another bunch to you guys in a few weeks.  If anyone else
wants any, also let me know.  

Anyone out there have cultures of Daphnia or Cyclops available?  

Joshua L. Wiegert
NFC Lists Administrator                          JLW at pi_dune.net
www.geocities.com/RainForest/Jungle/1680/        owner-nfc at actwin_com
ICQ 69553561                                     AIM UID: Etheosoma
Feel free to contact me by any of the above means for any reason.
   tIqDaq HoSna' tu'lu'           nIteb Qob quD jup 'e' chaw'be' SuvwI'
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