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NFC: Breeders Update

Breeders Program Members and Projects 
Here is a list of Breeders Club Members as of 1/00 and the projects they
are working on. All Breeders Club Members follow all state and Federal
regulations. You will notice the distribution oif fish to new members has
begun.We have also picked up over a dozen new species since our last
update. We can expect written life histories with in the next 6 months.
Keep up the good work and contact president at nativefish_org with any
questions or comments. If you are a recent Breeders Program member and
were left off the list please contact president at nativefish_org and we
will update the list.

Bill Duzen Theduuz at aol_com
Elassoma okefenokee
Black banded sunfish
Dollar sunfish
Rainbow darters
Fantail darters
Greensided darters
Heterandria formosa
Gambusia affis sp. holbrooki
Poecilia mexicana
Lucania goodei
Fundulus crystotus melanistic
Fundulus cingulatus
Flag fin shiner
sailfin shiner
Bluehead shiner
Fathead minnow
Long nose dace
tadpole madtoms
chain pickeral
Cyprinodon nicholsi
Fish I have distributed: R. Park- Bluehead shiners, Sailfin shiners,
fathead minnows
Ted Taft- Elassoma okefenokee, Orangethroated darters, Sailfin shiners,
F. cingulatus\
Jeff Mckee- Elassoma evergladei, Fundulus chrystotus melanistic
Jeff Kilker- Fundulus chrystotus melanistic
Klaus Schoening- Sailfin shiners, Fundulus chrystotus melanistic
Robert Rice- Fundulus chrystotus melanistic
Al Morales- Sailfin shiners, Lucania goodei

Jeff McKee Killie at compuserve_com 
E. zonatum 
E. evergladei 
Pygmy sunfish 
Klaus Schoening klaus.schoening at jungle_org 
Wright Huntley huntley1 at home_com 
Heterandria formosa 
Charles Anderton dakota at startext_com 
Elassoma spp. 
John Sellers jsellersiv at yahoo_com 
Heterandria formosa 
Elassoma zonatum 
Enneacanthus gloriosus 
Fundulus spp. 
David Hall dahall at lightspeed_net 
Fundulus cingulatus 
fundulus chrysotus 
Elassoma evergladei 
Heterandria formosa 
Ray Wollf 
Bantam Sunfish 
Many Small Killies 
Pygmy Sunfish 
Dwight Moody dwightmoody at hotmail_com 
Fundulus escambia 
Fundulus cingulatus 
Leptolucania ommatta 
Tom DiCola MRUARU2 at aol_com 
Awaiting shipments....