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EDTA and NTA contamination

I spoke 10 days ago to a toxicologist with the Canadian Food Inspection
Agency. She said that NTA was a known animal carcinogen. She surmised
that at the concentrations presented in our planted tanks (EDTA<10 ppm)
both the EDTA and the NTA might cause problems. Apparently EDTA
affects blood-clotting capacity in mammals, although she thought
that the large size of the EDTA molecule would preclude it from
traversing fish gills. She also offered the opinion that EDDHA might
be a better option as chelant since less was required to sequester
a given amount of iron, and in contrast to EDTA and DTPA, EDDHA
was unlikely to harbour NTA as a contaminant. That's it.

Don't forget those water changes and keep an eye on your hemophilic


Dave Whittaker
ac554 at FreeNet_Carleton.ca