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Re: bleaching snails, et al

From: Steve Pushak <teban at powersonic_bc.ca> 
Date: Mon, 04 Jan 1999 02:30:08 -0800 

>I reiterate my stance that it is the ONLY effective method because no
>matter what algae eating critters you put into an aquarium, you'll never
>get them to effectively control all types of filament algae and the most
>effective algae eating fish are also the most difficult to prevent from
>eating fine leaved plants.

Double bushwa! I have NEVER bleached plants, I have NEVER worried about
what I put in my aquarium and I have mostly NEVER had a problem with the
control of filament algae or BBA or whatever. And my algae eaters don't eat
my fine-leaved plants ... perhaps because they are suffuently well fed by
whatever algae is present. 

>Also, the only "preventative" method is to not introduce algae. Using
>other methods such as strict nutrient control and algae eating critters
>is not preventative at all since the algae are still present in the
>aquarium, just in small amounts.

And what is it that causes this incredible adverse reaction you have to
algae? Did you fall into a pond as a young child and almost suffocate in a
tangle of algae? 

IMHO, algae is a natural part of the aquatic environment. By banishing all
forms, aren't you somehow screwing up whatever balance your tank may have?
It sounds like you would be happier growing plant specimens in sealed
bottles on a window sill.  

>Of course this is just MY opinion. Other aquarists may be quite happy
>having half a dozen different types of filamentous algae all growing in
>their aquariums.

... and a half dozen different types of algae eaters contributing to the
diversity of my aqauriums. Yep, that's me. 

>I only wish that more of us would take a few simple precautions to
>prevent contamination with the easiest types to prevent using a quick
>bleach dip, the fine furry algae (Oedogonium) and the slimy fine stringy
>gunk (Spirogyra).

What could be simpler than having some algae eaters?  No dipping, no
timers, no nasty chemicals, no sweat. Sort of natural, actually. 

>Another problem with relying upon algae eaters like SAEs and American
>Flag fish is that these are relatively aggressive fish and can out
>compete less aggressive especially smaller fish for food.

Hello? SAEs are aggressive? Maybe yours are just pissed off because they
have no natural food. Why would you have algae eaters, anyway? You have no
algae, right? 

>Does the bleach treatment deserve the term "drastic"? 

8-O !! Yeah, kinda. 

>Its certainly a LOT of bother but in comparison to having an aquarium
>with continual problems with green filament algae, I'll take the bleach

I guess we can now circle back to the old substrate debate. Your choice:
1) Rich fertile substrate and shelves of Chlorox at the ready
2) Simple substrate with heating coils and cute, lovable algae eaters.

:-)   (simple smileys, too!)


Thank you.

Steve Pushak                              Vancouver, BC, CANADA 

Visit "Steve's Aquatic Page"      http://home.infinet.net/teban/
 for LOTS of pics, tips and links for aquatic gardening!!!
George Booth, Ft. Collins, Colorado (booth at frii_com)
  Back on-line! New URL! Slightly new look! Same good data!