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alkalinity versus carbonate versus temporary versus KH versus German (hardness)

Alkalinity George aka George "S" writes:
> I could not agree more for the need of simplification. As the popular
> saying goes "I agree one thousand percent"! Then why do some people
> insist on using "carbonate hardness" when they mean "alkalinity"?
> Because of "tradition"? "Simplicity?" 
> I do not think that any member of this list has NOT heard, or does not
> understand, the term "alkalinity" (certainly not after THIS discussion)
> so, why not decide to use "alkalinity" instead of "carbonate hardness",
> never mind whether they are identical or not!

Well, I look at my Red Sea HARDNESS test kit "For the Determination of
Total (GH) & Temporary (KH) Hardness. 
On the back under Instructions GH: it says that GH means German Hardness
and is measured in degrees (or drops).

Then under Instructions KH: it says that the quantity of drops used
equals the carbonate hardness. (in German Hardness). Wait I'm confused!
It was all so clear when soapy George clarified it... I think I am
getting some kind of calcium precipitate!! Is the calcium permanent or
temporary? This is just getting too Hard to understand...

I don't think we can fault the Germans for the labelling because on the
bottom it says "MADE IN ISRAEL". I recall that alkalinity-George wrote
that this business of temporary hardness began or ended around the
Second World War. Coincidence???

And just to cover ALL the bases, they also include instructions in
French, German, Italian, Spanish, Swedish/Finnish(?) and american (for
the foreigners).

I guess I am now Finnish. ;-)