
Sugar source in DIY CO2 reactor

DIY CO2'ers,

Being one who dawdles around with brewing from time to time,
I was wondering why people use just plain sugar in their
DIY (yeast) CO2 generators.  A homebrewer often adds some
sort of nutrient to the liquid if regular sugar is used.
In fact, corn sugar is more common because cane sugar is
supposedly not as consumable to the yeast.  Some homebrewers
will go as far as to say that you will kill the yeast if you
just put them in plain (cane) sugar water.  Now, most of you
know this isn't true because its been used by aqua plant 
fanatics for some time.  But the question still remains...
isn't there a better way?  Couldn't we use info from the
homebrewing community to make this contraption more 
efficient so that it doesn't have to be changed as often?

With this line of reasoning in mind, why not use something with 
the nutrients built in, like honey or malt extract???  Does this 
simply produce too much CO2?  Or how about adding "yeast
nutrient" to the mixture?

Also, how about using a champagne yeast instead of bread
yeast?  Champagne yeast is more tolerant to high alcohol
content, so it could theoretically last longer without
regenerating the mixture.

Has anybody thought about this?  If so, I haven't seen
any info on it and would appreciate a pointer if one 

David Robinson                          The Discus Page
robinson at ichips_intel.com               http://www.ee.pdx.edu/~davidr/