
green spot algae

Thanks to the advice on the APML I have eliminated hair and blue-green algae.
 However, green spot algae is still present.  I have SAEs and otos and a
shrimp.  None seem to have any effect on the spots.  It is easy to remove
from the glass mechanically but on leaves, especially of slower growing
plants, this is not possible.  I read the postings (mainly from August 1995)
which seemed to suggest a variety of suggestions from Ameca Splendens to
'it's natural and so ignore it'.  I would almost be willing to accept (in
fact I feel a bit pernikety even asking about it) but Mr. Amanno seems to
have found a solution.  I am not too sure about where to find the Ameca
Splendens and would like to have the opinion of anyone with experience of
them before I embark upon a search.  So, any suggestions as to what to use on
the slightly offensive green blight (other than harsh language) would be
greatly appreciated.