
Re: Aquatic Plants Digest V2 #208

>From: "Shane E. Wernsing" <wern0047 at gold_tc.umn.edu>
>Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 17:18:16 -0600
>Subject: "Recycling" iron from plants
>Hello everyone,
>        I don't always have time to fully read the digests, so I apologize if
>this has been discussed recently.
>        When trimming back my plants, I've often considered leaving the
>trimmings in the tank and letting them degrade.  Although this would not
>make the tank look more attractive, I figure I would be allowing the
>release of iron (and other nutrients) from the decaying plant matter.
>Hence, the remaining plants could benefit from this slow, sustained
>release of nutrients.
>        I'm sure that I will still have to add iron and trace elements, but I
>shouldn't have to add them as often.  As long as my filters can handle
>the extra bioload of decaying organics, I can't see any problems
>arising.  Can any of you?
>        Perhaps this is common practice and I've just not heard of it...
>thank-you very much for any advice/thoughts.
>- --
>- ---------------------------------------------------
>Shane E. Wernsing
>University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis
>wern0047 at gold_tc.umn.edu
>- ---------------------------------------------------
Shane Wernsing asked on Thursday what problems might arise from letting the
trimmings of his plants float and slowly decay so thet their nutrients are

The only problems I can see is that the trimmings would cut out some light
while they are floating around, and, as they decay, they would probably add
a small amount of tannins or other resistant light-absorbing compounds
(probably not enough to cause a serious light-loss problem).  One plant
that I have noticed colors the water a lot is Potomageton gayi.

Paul Krombholz                  Tougaloo College, Tougaloo, MS  39174
In  Mississippi where it is fixen to rain.