
RE: Effect of Maracide on Plants

Mark McLean asked for effects of Maracide on plants.  Mark, I've used this 
in a couple of tanks with no ill effect on the plants.  Your water will turn 
florescent green and it will take water changes and a week or so of 
filtering with carbon to remove the color once the treatment is finished. 
 On the other hand, I've had no luck with Maracide eliminating ich when it 
was used recently.  I resorted to Mardel (my fav fishy medicine company) 
Coppersafe.  With regards to the recent threads on copper poisoning in 
plants, I have not experienced adverse affects from treatments lasting a 
month or so.  I have various Echinidorous, hygrophelia, and onion plants. 
 If Maracide doesn't work, try Coppersafe unless you have VERY sensitive 

Rochelle Williams
williaro at ftmcphsn-emh1_army.mil
Trying to figure out a way to decorate with red algae since it won't go 