
DIY CO2 and white stuff in aquarium

I may get yelled at a little since this issue has already been addressed, but tonight, I noticed a white filmy substance on my airstone and in my reaction chamber of my DIY CO2 system.

Is this substance harmful to my fish/plants?  What is it?  



|  ___         _      __      __       |   227 Harold Cove    |
| / __|       | |     \ \    / /       | Jonesboro, AR 72401  |
|| (__ layton | |_ ee  \ \/\/ / orkman |   (501) 931-7791     |
| \___|       |___|     \_/\_/         |                      |
|    \ . <><       .  >-<>  /  |  cworkman at quapaw_astate.edu  |
|  \ /  .   <><     .  \  \|   | http://raider.crsc.k12.ar.us |
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