
Re: Elodea rooting

Stephen.Pushak writes.....
>Dr. dave wrote:
>> You should be careful what you say about Elodea, my information is 
>> that it is a restricted plant in Canada (from local greenhouse 
>> operators who say they cant legally sell or even give it away).
>I wouldn't be surprised since Elodea is quite tolerant of a range of
>temperatures. Some varieties, can only take cool waters. It's probably
>pretty invasive. I found the specimens with a large shipment of plants
>at a local aquarium retail outlet so its possible the name slipped by
>customs. The same retailer told me he couldn't resell my Myriophylum 
>anymore since they'd get in trouble (it's a kind of Milfoil). Someone
>else said only the Eurasian Milfoil is restricted since the tropical
>varieties could never survive in the wild.

Entry to all myriophyllum species is restricted.

>It could be that customs overlooked the name on the declaration.
>Another possibility is that it was misidentified as Egeria densa
>which is quite similar in appearance.

Importation of Elodea densa (Anacharis, Egeria) is prohibited. 
Also Trapa and Hydrilla verticullata.

>It is an interesting question, since there are definite importation
>restrictions on certain plants and possibly on the sale of some kinds
>but I've never heard of a restriction on a hobbyist possessing a kind
>of aquatic plant. Perhaps someone knows more about this.

It seems a bit strange since many myriophyllum species are native to
this country.

Dave Whittaker                       ac554 at FreeNet_Carleton.CA
Gloucester, Ontario                  dwhitt at magmacom_com