
Dupla Cable Alternatives?

Afternoon Everybody,

I'm putting together a file on DIY items for planted tanks.  File currently is
going into detail about how to assemble the various substrata heating systems.
Eventually it will include DIY CO2, from manual to fully auto, DIY filtration,
lighting options and so forth.  Covers from low tech to PC controlled high

Anyway, I could use some help.  I have all the details about low wattage
heating cables, including transformers, wire resistance and so on, so on low
wattage I've got it pretty well covered.  But the high wattage, Dupla style,
heating cables are give me fits.  Not in controls or transformer requirements,
but wiring.

Can anyone give me details about Dupla's wire, and if possible alternatives to
Dupla's cabling?  Would appreciate ordering information as well.

And on a non-plant question, can you generate "fog" with a CO2 tank?  Every
Halloween I get a big plastic cauldron and toss dry ice in it and then put the
candy in the middle in a seperate container.  I then toss in water from time to
time to get "fog" coming out of the cauldron.  (Yeah, I kinda like Halloween
and do my house up pretty well.  Okay, the candy ain't bad either. <g>)  I've
got a 10 pound CO2 tank.  Anyone know if I can use that instead of dry ice, and
if so any idea of how long I can keep "fog" coming from a cauldron that holds
probably three gallons or so.

Doug Valverde 75051,160 at compuserve_com (who has no local net node)