
pH/KH/CO2 relationship in Amano's book

I finally bought a copy of "Nature Aquarium World" by Amano.  It is a
beautiful book, but I don't understand some of the data he gives for his
tanks.  I normally calculate CO2 levels (mg/l) from pH and kH
measurements, using a table that George Booth incorporated into an article
he wrote based on the Dupla 10 Golden Rules.  The CO2 concentrations that
I obtained from this table when I used the pH and kH data in Amano's book
do not come close to the CO2 values that Amano gives.  For example: 

Tank #	kH	pH	CO2 (mg/l)	CO2 (mg/l)
			Amano's data	George's table

29	1	6.8	16		5
44	1	6.8	23		5
41	1	7	19		3
1	2	6.8	16		9
7	2	7	16		6
43	2	7	23		6
28	3	6.8	17		14
31	3	7	13		9
22	3	7	19		9

It seems pretty clear that Amano consistently gets higher CO2 levels than
I would expect from George's table.  Also, Amano's CO2 levels seem to be
almost independent of kH/pH: for example tanks 22 and 41 both have pH=7
and CO2=19, but have kH 3 and 1, respectively. 

I believe that George's table is reliable, so does anyone have any ideas
why Amano's values disagree so strikingly with the table?  Are CO2
concentrations difficult to measure? 

Roger Crowther